My local gun club; this is why we can't have nice things...


NES Member
Feb 23, 2014
GA; (CT escapee)
Feedback: 7 / 0 / 0
Just got two emails sent out to every member of my gun club here in CT.

1) Reminder everyone - Don't shoot before 9AM or after sunset. We have posted club rules about hours of operation and we really don't need our neighbors complaining to the town.

2) Shooting of shotguns on the outdoor pistol range is forbidden.

These go along nicely with the email sent earlier this month that said please don't shoot firearms from the parking lot into a range; shoot from within the defined range barriers.

And the one that said please run your targets all the way to the backstop on the indoor range, (it helps prevent people from shooting up into the ceiling).
Hey joe hold the door open to the indoor range I want to test fire my new gun,
It’s amazing how clubs seem to fail to eject the offenders even with these rules.
A while back at one club the chief range safety officer was the worst offender. There’s even reminders of his practices by ways of holes in the concrete pad
Shooting at the target stands, retrieval system and ceiling baffles is okay though, right?

I swear after our indoor range renovation, within a week of opening up the range there were three shots into the ceiling baffles and one into the wall.

And then recently some dipshit fired off a deer slug right into the steel plate backing on one of the outdoor range baffles and actually shot it off the f***ing baffle.
Shooting of shotguns on the outdoor pistol range is forbidden.

Wondering what the physical layout of the range is making that an undesirable practice?

Our club has a 50 yard outdoor "pistol" range, but rimfire rifle and shotguns (no slugs) are GTG as long as projectiles pass through to the berm, or deflect straight into ground on impact of steel at 25 yard minimum.

I swear after our indoor range renovation, within a week of opening up the range there were three shots into the ceiling baffles and one into the wall.

And then recently some dipshit fired off a deer slug right into the steel plate backing on one of the outdoor range baffles and actually shot it off the f***ing baffle.

Last summer, there was a work part to re-roof the indoor range at riverside. The following monday someone sent a round to the roof. I think i was stopped by a steel beam, but the club leadership were not happy with that person.
These sound pretty standard/common to me. What kind of nice things do they prohibit? Practising night hunting shooting your shotgun from your car window in the pistol range parking lot, blowing the crap out of the target frames?[rofl]
My club has a VERY active indoor RSO. Before I got married my Mother wanted to look around since we got married AT the range where I had proposed. Lady Radtekk, a paid member but NOT indoor "certified" took Mom in to the clubhouse to use the bathroom, used my "PIN" to show her the indoor range (for all of 30 seconds) and then leave. I didn't think anything of it until I got a call saying "Somebody used your PIN, I watched the video and saw two women look in for a minute and then leave. What's the story?" Amused is NOT the word I would use to describe his reaction when I explained.
Just got two emails sent out to every member of my gun club here in CT.

1) Reminder everyone - Don't shoot before 9AM or after sunset. We have posted club rules about hours of operation and we really don't need our neighbors complaining to the town.

2) Shooting of shotguns on the outdoor pistol range is forbidden.

These go along nicely with the email sent earlier this month that said please don't shoot firearms from the parking lot into a range; shoot from within the defined range barriers.

And the one that said please run your targets all the way to the backstop on the indoor range, (it helps prevent people from shooting up into the ceiling).

1) OK, i see that happening. Some people get excited and start a little early and some push was dusk really means.
2) OK, all depends on the backstop / berm, but usually posted in a way that reminders are not needed.
3), You got me. WTF! Really? I think i need to stay far away from that club.
Wondering what the physical layout of the range is making that an undesirable practice?

Our club has a 50 yard outdoor "pistol" range, but rimfire rifle and shotguns (no slugs) are GTG as long as projectiles pass through to the berm, or deflect straight into ground on impact of steel at 25 yard minimum.


We have a "proper" pistol range. It has a set of target stands at 25 yards that are set in a mechanically linked fashion and motor driven. So, when we're doing bullseye matches on that range, you can turn those stands sideways with a button and shoot past them at the 50 yard target stands.

Hitting the 25 yard stands with shotgun charges tends to damage them.

That range is limited to handguns and rimfire rifles.
Having been responsible for our indoor range for a short time, none of that surprises me. Someone fired a shotgun in our indoor range as well. It is against the rules due to excessive damage to the ballistic curtain in front of the backstop plates.

Each of our outdoor ranges have holes in the roof, support posts, concrete, just about everywhere you can see from the firing line.

What I want to know is how you hit a ceiling baffle three feet in front of the firing line on the indoor range?
Wondering what the physical layout of the range is making that an undesirable practice?

Our club has a 50 yard outdoor "pistol" range, but rimfire rifle and shotguns (no slugs) are GTG as long as projectiles pass through to the berm, or deflect straight into ground on impact of steel at 25 yard minimum.

This is probably a situation where birdhot and buckshot tear up target stands. At my club shotguns are allowed on the outdoor range but with slugs only......
Just got two emails sent out to every member of my gun club here in CT.

1) Reminder everyone - Don't shoot before 9AM or after sunset. We have posted club rules about hours of operation and we really don't need our neighbors complaining to the town.

2) Shooting of shotguns on the outdoor pistol range is forbidden.

These go along nicely with the email sent earlier this month that said please don't shoot firearms from the parking lot into a range; shoot from within the defined range barriers.

And the one that said please run your targets all the way to the backstop on the indoor range, (it helps prevent people from shooting up into the ceiling).
And then we get nesers starting threads about how they hate gun clubs with tougher and tougher membership requirements (aka.....sponsorship).
Just got two emails sent out to every member of my gun club here in CT.

1) Reminder everyone - Don't shoot before 9AM or after sunset. We have posted club rules about hours of operation and we really don't need our neighbors complaining to the town.

2) Shooting of shotguns on the outdoor pistol range is forbidden.

These go along nicely with the email sent earlier this month that said please don't shoot firearms from the parking lot into a range; shoot from within the defined range barriers.

And the one that said please run your targets all the way to the backstop on the indoor range, (it helps prevent people from shooting up into the ceiling).
Club I used to belong party installed brand new 4x4 posts on the outdoor range to hang the wire for targets. Less than a week after some idiot took to them with a shotgun until they snapped in half. No cameras. Nobody signed in. Some people are just a**h***s.
We have a "proper" pistol range. It has a set of target stands at 25 yards that are set in a mechanically linked fashion and motor driven. So, when we're doing bullseye matches on that range, you can turn those stands sideways with a button and shoot past them at the 50 yard target stands.
Hitting the 25 yard stands with shotgun charges tends to damage them.
That range is limited to handguns and rimfire rifles.

Well that explains it, sounds cool.
There is nothing quite so nice for our few neer-do-wells to shoot up.

There are plate racks on the very left but the remainder of the range is open to the back berm. There are holders for personal target stands protected behind the 12x12 timbers which get chewed up despite the fact that low targets are not allowed.

The photo below is from 2016 before a nice new awning was added, something the rifle range had for years.

This second photo is looking back toward the firing line during the construction of the new awning.
The trusses were sheathed with plywood, a very nice metal finished roof was applied, and the range was opened back up...

Within one week some jackass had shot a hole up through the roof at a about 45 degree angle to the horizon.

We now have cameras!

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I swear after our indoor range renovation, within a week of opening up the range there were three shots into the ceiling baffles and one into the wall.

And then recently some dipshit fired off a deer slug right into the steel plate backing on one of the outdoor range baffles and actually shot it off the f***ing baffle.

SRG? I haven’t even seen the renovated range yet
Well that explains it, sounds cool.
There is nothing quite so nice for our few neer-do-wells to shoot up.

There are plate racks on the very left but the remainder of the range is open to the back berm. There are holders for personal target stands protected behind the 12x12 timbers which get chewed up despite the fact that low targets are not allowed.

The photo below is from 2016 before a nice new awning was added, something the rifle range had for years.

This second photo is looking back toward the firing line during the construction of the new awning.
The trusses were sheathed with plywood, a very nice metal finished roof was applied, and the range was opened back up...

Within one week some jackass had shot a hole up through the roof at a about 45 degree angle to the horizon.

We now have cameras!


Sorry, but the painted area alone would send me running for my vehicle to leave and not come back. I can hardly stand to look at the picture let alone stand there in person.

Who's assinine idea was that?
Just got two emails sent out to every member of my gun club here in CT.

1) Reminder everyone - Don't shoot before 9AM or after sunset. We have posted club rules about hours of operation and we really don't need our neighbors complaining to the town.

2) Shooting of shotguns on the outdoor pistol range is forbidden.

These go along nicely with the email sent earlier this month that said please don't shoot firearms from the parking lot into a range; shoot from within the defined range barriers.

And the one that said please run your targets all the way to the backstop on the indoor range, (it helps prevent people from shooting up into the ceiling).

Um, High Rock this morning? I rode NSF shortly after sunrise - reservoirs to fire road to assess storm damage - and was surprised by the range activity.
Who's assinine idea was that?
some bolivian dude i would imagine


The flag of Bolivia, whose official name is the Bolivian multinational state, has been adopted in 1851. It consists of three horizontal stripes in red, yellow and green colors. In the center of the state flag, a coat of arms is placed, however it was dropped from the national flag. The red stripe symbolizes blood shed during the struggles for freedom and also Bolivian fauna, yellow stands for mineral wealth of the country and green is to remind fertility of local land. Bolivia was originally inhabited by Aymaras and later Incas, but it was colonized by Spaniards in the 16th century and the independence has not been gained until 1825. The state was named after Simon Bolivar - the leader of the struggles for freedom.
Sorry, but the painted area alone would send me running for my vehicle to leave and not come back.

Don't be sorry. That is OK, more room for me.

Who's assinine idea was that?

See now would be the time to be sorry.

The colors are especially bright because the photo was taken on the day they were repainted.

We allow the public in on Sundays from 9 till Noon and these clearly defined areas leave nothing to chance.
It is simple no handling of firearms (period) and stay out of the red when the range is cold and people are down range.

My club also installed cameras after some schmuck discharged a round across the firing line. I used to see folks “sighting in” their rifle on the pistol range for hours in end, not so much since the cameras! Bottom line is people are animals, and with out some sort of definite control, the animals will animal. And I agree with previous posters, if there’s cameras, offenders should be thrown out first offense. I was once in a meeting, at my club. In this meeting there was an actual debate as to weather it not to throw out a fellow who was witnessed by several people groping a young woman, at a club event. I was like, ah seriously, like 30 ppl saw him do it he admitted it, how, why is there a debate? Gun clubs! Gotta trim the fat for the greater good.
Shooting of shotguns on the outdoor pistol range is forbidden.
Our club has a 50 yard outdoor "pistol" range, but rimfire rifle and shotguns (no slugs) are GTG as long as projectiles pass through to the berm, or deflect straight into ground on impact of steel at 25 yard minimum.
This is probably a situation where birdhot and buckshot tear up target stands. At my club shotguns are allowed on the outdoor range but with slugs only......

People at our club are also free to bring in their own target stands to our outdoor ranges and blast them to flinders with shot (as long as they clean up the flinders off the range floor, of course).

Why is it ALWAYS some dude with a 12ga that ruins stuff? Its not all shotgun owners, but its always some d-bag with a shotgun.....


There are holders for personal target stands protected behind the 12x12 timbers which get chewed up despite the fact that low targets are not allowed.

I predict that when you finally scroll through the camera footage, you'll discover that it's not newbies undershooting "low targets" that chew up those 12"x12"'s.

It's goobers plinking at beer cans placed directly on the 12"x12"'s.

Sorry, but the painted area alone would send me running for my vehicle to leave and not come back. I can hardly stand to look at the picture let alone stand there in person.

Who's assinine idea was that?

I don't know if it's the Bolivians or the Rasta Man.
I just know it's not someone from Syracuse.

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