My Katrina Gun

Dec 1, 2005
Feedback: 12 / 0 / 0
Here are some pics of my new toy (Kel-Tec Sub2000 9mm):




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How Accurate?

I am not sure how accurate it is (peole say it is good to 100 yards). I have only taken it to the range once since I added a laser to it. I have the laser set for 25 feet. I use this for home defense.
Out of 10 shots I can put maybe 5 on paper at 100 yards with my 9mm. To fold it in half you pull up on the triggerguard to unlock it and when the rifle folds all the way it also locks into place with a small slide lever type device. It also comes with a key to lock it when its in the folded position. Odd thing is I think it could still be fired when folded.
They're great guns, I got one from Four Seasons wheh they first came out. At 25 yards I can hit swinging 12" round steel plates continously right down the line in rapid fire. I wouldn't recomend one for big folks as it'd be a bit uncomfortable for pull and a good cheek weld. Think of it as shooting an Uzi almost with its compact configuration.
Kel Tec offers a good amount of accessories including a scope mount which I thought of getting with a red dot set up. Theres even a whole message board forum for these lil' suckers.

I should also mention that with a dremel polishing bit, you can buff the feed ramp so it will take most any hollow point ammo. Some models require this simple fix to cycle hollow points. Also... Len has one for sale I noticed ata fair price in the classifieds. If I didn't already have one i'd grab it.
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Are there any similar guns which can be folded as small, or smaller, that are available in MA right now?
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