My email to President Obama

Realtor MA

NES Life Member
NES Member
Mar 28, 2009
Feedback: 46 / 0 / 0
Dear Mr. President,
I wanted to write you today to express my concern and disappointment in the political direction you have taken since the Sandy Hook incident. It is clear that you, your vice president and your party in general have no real concern in preventing future tragedies such as this. You know full well that any measures you take to ban or further regulate firearms will in no way prevent these tragedies. Yet you march forward in your quest to further regulate guns. It is sad and unfortunate that you choose to use this incident to further your agenda. Your city of Chicago and the land of Great Britain provide positive proof that gun control does nothing to prevent crime. President Clinton was smart enough to realize that he needed to put someone or something in between these attackers and our children. A last line of defense if you will. That is why he implemented the COPS in schools program. Unfortunately the implementation of that idea was not done on a large enough scale. Mr. President, if you and your administration do implement stricter gun laws, under the guise of protecting our children, you will simply be turning your back on the real problem and basically leaving our children in harms way. I know no other way to express my thoughts except to say that it will be you who is responsible for the next lives that are lost. It will be you who will falsely give our nation hope that your actions in some way make them safer. It will be you who fools the American people while promoting a failed agenda that you have long believed in. I pray with all my heart that you, your administration and the legislature see fit to do the right thing. To protect our children in a meaningful way without infringing on the rights of our citizens.
I thank you for your time.
Sure. go for it.
I realize the President probably won't see it but I imagine someone is charged with reading them. They must take bit's and pieces of each letter and/or at least givbe hime a sense of what is coming in. Maybe they tell him how many pro and how many con.

Mind if I share this on FB? This is an excellent, concise critique.
You can all post it. I have no problem with that.
I would like to do the same if thats ok.

You should put "please share this if you care about our children" Maybe it will go viral and then he'll see it.
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