"Muslim-Free Zone": Gun-Shop Owner Wins Case

The Nazis... Were they the government or a political party? In America, the First Amendment protects your choice of religion from the government. I learned in my "World Religions" class that the term "Jew" refers both/either to the religion and/or people from Jerusalem. I dont know much about Nazi Germany at all. Maybe they hated people from Jerusalem too? I dont know I do know that the 2nd Amendment protects the 1st. They didn't have either.

Being Jewish is a little more complicated than what you learned in your World Religions class. According to the tenets of the Jewish faith anyone born of a Jewish mother is a Jew. A person can convert to Judaism as there is a process for that. The Nazis were both the government and a political
party in Germany exclusively from 1933 to 1945. They believed that the Aryans or Northern Europeans were superior racially to every other group of people on the earth even other people that had white skin like Slavs and Mediterranean people as well (never mind that Italy was their ally and they declared the Japanese honorary Aryans) . They came up with a very complex set of racial laws and said that Jews were a separate race, so even if a Jew converted to another religion, they were still considered a Jew. All inferior people and races were to be enslaved or exterminated but they believed the Jews were the most evil of all and had to be exterminated because they were the historical root cause of all the problems of Western Civilization. There are people who believe this today and some even believe that Jews are the spawn of Satan and Adam's first wife Lilith (I'm not making this stuff up, some people believe this).

Funny thing that you would take a positive rep point comment and incorporate it into the thread.

Sounds like your World Religions class didn't cover the subject so very well, and it's a shame they didn't teach you much about the Nazis in your history classes either, not your fault though.
"Muslim-Free Zone": Gun-Shop Owner Wins Case

Being Jewish is a little more complicated than what you learned in your World Religions class. According to the tenets of the Jewish faith anyone born of a Jewish mother is a Jew. A person can convert to Judaism as there is a process for that. The Nazis were both the government and a political
party in Germany exclusively from 1933 to 1945. They believed that the Aryans or Northern Europeans were superior racially to every other group of people on the earth even other people that had white skin like Slavs and Mediterranean people as well (never mind that Italy was their ally and they declared the Japanese honorary Aryans) . They came up with a very complex set of racial laws and said that Jews were a separate race, so even if a Jew converted to another religion, they were still considered a Jew. All inferior people and races were to be enslaved or exterminated but they believed the Jews were the most evil of all and had to be exterminated because they were the historical root cause of all the problems of Western Civilization. There are people who believe this today and some even believe that Jews are the spawn of Satan and Adam's first wife Lilith (I'm not making this stuff up, some people believe this).

Funny thing that you would take a positive rep point comment and incorporate it into the thread.

Sounds like your World Religions class didn't cover the subject so very well, and it's a shame they didn't teach you much about the Nazis in your history classes either, not your fault though.
Thanks for learnin' me!

I went to a "technical college." That class was a 1-semester class just as an elective to satisfy whatever credits were needed to consider the school a "college" and get a degree instead of a certificate.
Thanks for learnin' me! I went to a "technical college." That class was a 1-semester class just as an elective to satisfy whatever credits were needed to consider the school a "college" and get a degree instead of a certificate.

Gotcha ! It's all good. Smartest thing you could do these days is go to a technical college and learn a hard skill.
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