I received this letter from Governor Mitt Romney shortly after the Republican National Convention last year:
85 Merrimac Street, Suite 400
Boston, MA 02114
August 30, 2004
Dear Forrest,
Greetings from the Big Apple!
I’m thrilled to be here at the Republican National Convention in New York City.
I can’t remember the last time I was around so many Republicans. I have become so accustomed to being the lone Republican among all the Democrats on Beacon Hill.
In fact, during the Democratic National Convention in Boston, a reporter asked me what it was like to have so many Democrats in town.
I replied, “I don’t notice a difference!”
Being here in New York City talking to fellow Republicans is exciting. It’s also a bit disconcerting because it reminds me just how much opposition I face at home.
I’m just so sick of it, Forrest, and that’s why I am taking a few minutes to write you from my room at the Drake Hotel. I simply couldn’t wait to get back to Boston to be in touch and state my case for help.
As I chat with fellow Republican governors, I marvel at all they’ve been able to accomplish because they have competitive two-party legislatures made up of representatives from both parties with a common goal: to make their state better.
In Massachusetts, we have Tom Finneran and his gang of old-school lieutenants who like back-room deals and arrogantly do what they want – without thinking of the common good of the Commonwealth.
The arrogant leaders on Beacon Hill fight me at every turn while we try to implement our reform package. Good commonsense ideas like limiting enormous Billy Bulger-style pensions, combining the Turnpike Authority and the Highway Department, and implementing the voter approved tax rollback; all get bottled up in a legislature dominated by status quo Democrats.
But we can make a difference this year.
We have over 130 qualified, reform-minded Republicans on the ballot across the Bay State. Like you, they wholeheartedly support my reform efforts.
I’m certain you feel the same sense of pride and excitement, as do the thousands of Republicans who fill Madison Square Garden each night.
I urge you to please parlay that pride and excitement into support for the Massachusetts Republican Party. I need your continued support at this critical time – help my reform effort by electing reform-minded candidates.
Being here at the Republican National convention only reinforces my determination to elect more Republicans to the state legislature and end the one=aprty rule that has held back Massachusetts for too long.
Thanks, as always, for taking the time to read this letter and for your continued and generous support.
Mitt Romney
Commonwealth of Massahusetts
P.S. We must not allow Democrats to ride Kerry’s coattails to victory! Please send a contribution in one of the suggested amounts to the State Party today.
Paid for by the Massachusetts Republican Party
85 Merrimac Street, Suite 400
Boston, MA 02114
August 30, 2004
Dear Forrest,
Greetings from the Big Apple!
I’m thrilled to be here at the Republican National Convention in New York City.
I can’t remember the last time I was around so many Republicans. I have become so accustomed to being the lone Republican among all the Democrats on Beacon Hill.
In fact, during the Democratic National Convention in Boston, a reporter asked me what it was like to have so many Democrats in town.
I replied, “I don’t notice a difference!”
Being here in New York City talking to fellow Republicans is exciting. It’s also a bit disconcerting because it reminds me just how much opposition I face at home.
I’m just so sick of it, Forrest, and that’s why I am taking a few minutes to write you from my room at the Drake Hotel. I simply couldn’t wait to get back to Boston to be in touch and state my case for help.
As I chat with fellow Republican governors, I marvel at all they’ve been able to accomplish because they have competitive two-party legislatures made up of representatives from both parties with a common goal: to make their state better.
In Massachusetts, we have Tom Finneran and his gang of old-school lieutenants who like back-room deals and arrogantly do what they want – without thinking of the common good of the Commonwealth.
The arrogant leaders on Beacon Hill fight me at every turn while we try to implement our reform package. Good commonsense ideas like limiting enormous Billy Bulger-style pensions, combining the Turnpike Authority and the Highway Department, and implementing the voter approved tax rollback; all get bottled up in a legislature dominated by status quo Democrats.
But we can make a difference this year.
We have over 130 qualified, reform-minded Republicans on the ballot across the Bay State. Like you, they wholeheartedly support my reform efforts.
I’m certain you feel the same sense of pride and excitement, as do the thousands of Republicans who fill Madison Square Garden each night.
I urge you to please parlay that pride and excitement into support for the Massachusetts Republican Party. I need your continued support at this critical time – help my reform effort by electing reform-minded candidates.
Being here at the Republican National convention only reinforces my determination to elect more Republicans to the state legislature and end the one=aprty rule that has held back Massachusetts for too long.
Thanks, as always, for taking the time to read this letter and for your continued and generous support.
Mitt Romney
Commonwealth of Massahusetts
P.S. We must not allow Democrats to ride Kerry’s coattails to victory! Please send a contribution in one of the suggested amounts to the State Party today.
Paid for by the Massachusetts Republican Party