MGL now what

Jan 13, 2010
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So I got my MGL today signed the back and I am wondering what to get! Also it says restrictions collector does that mean anything?
that's what I always wonder... say I get my MGL... then what? I can't afford semi-auto goodies, how the F am I gonna buy any MG...
Welcome to the club. I've had mine green card almost 3 years and still don't own one. I really want a Thompson, but I can't find anything decent under $18,000. I've bid on a few on GB, but always got outbid at the wire.
I ran into the same thing, He thought it was one thing to issue the lic. so I could use someone else gun, but he did not want one in his town
those in MA need a MG license to touch, handle or possess a MG, DD, AOW, NFA Items.

This was part of the fallout of the westfield accident a few years back. What Adam stated is the AG's current interpretation of the law. She has tried to prosecute one person based on that interpretation and many clubs in MA have instituted rules that comply with that interpretation. Proceed with caution.
well there have been only 6 examiners to process the paperwork for the entire country, and these are Government workers, so they have no incentive to work quickly or efficiently, nor penalties for slowness. It has recently been written that they added 12 additional workers to assist these 6 but they also said that they would not be trained and ready untill summer. You can add that to the fact the the ATF WANTS to make the NFA process as painfull as possible you get the 6 month wait
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