McCarthy gets owned BIG TIME on MSNBC.

Notice how she tried to change the subject when he asked. "I think the more important thing...". Then it was "weapons used to kill our police". Finally she just threw something up with a stupid answer.

barrel shroud

if someone had shrouded thier barrel to begin with this idiot might have never been born.[rofl] [laugh2] [rolleyes] [laugh] [crying] [smile]

Man that was fun to watch!

Also where Can I get one of those High-Capacity clips? All my SKS clips only hold 10, and my Mosin Clips hold only 5. EddieCoyle had some 6-round moon clips for his revolvers.... [rofl]

Man I'm gonna watch this again!


-Weer'd Beard
What's also laughable (in a sad sort of way), is that despite all the years she's spent pushing for gun control laws and an AWB, she still uses the term "large capacity clips". [rolleyes]
Note Tucker's technique: he was low-key and respectful (unless you call repeating a question that a pol doesn't want to answer disrepectful), and it was all the more effective because of his style.
It's so pathetic that people like this are leading the country!

I personally liked the line "The guns that were chosen back in those days were basically the guns that most gangs and criminals were using to kill our police officers."

Get a clue lady! More cops were killed with rifles during the AWB then after it expired.
I unfortunately had the deal with MSNBC during their stay in my town. What a bunch of assho*les. Demanding everything while giving up nothing. One group who really thought that their sh*t didn't stink. Now most will be out of work when they move into the CNBC studios next year and close their facility.
The best part is:

"I think it's the thing that goes up...."

"No, it's not."

[rofl] [laugh2]
If you do a frame by frame analysis of the vid, you can see her knee rise up and smack her in the face.

What reallypisses me off about this clueless women is that she wants the rest of us to be as defenseless as her husband and kid were when they died at the hands of a madman. Doesn`t she understand that if someone on that train had been armed her husband and kid might be alive today.
WTF over!
Unfortunately, proving that McCarthy is an idiot who doesn't know anything about firearms (or her own legislation) isn't enough to kill HR 1022. [angry]

But it was a great video!! [smile]
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Why would anyone assume that a legislator knows anything much about any bill they submit, when it's well known that most of them never bother to read the bills they vote on. When they vote yes or no simply because somebody told them it would be a good thing to do, it's not much of a leap for them to submit and push for passage of bills simply because somebody handed it to them. [angry2]

Why would anyone assume that a legislator knows anything much about any bill they submit, when it's well known that most of them never bother to read the bills they vote on. When they vote yes or no simply because somebody told them it would be a good thing to do, it's not much of a leap for them to submit and push for passage of bills simply because somebody handed it to them. [angry2]


Yep, big agreement here. You think these asshats read everthing that comes to them as bills... HELL NO! I bet the Swimmer hasn't read a bill in years! I would be even his staff hasn't gone over a bill either but they expect you to obey what is passed. a**h***S!!!![angry2]

She was right on part of the ideas with these rifles - how they were picked was based on appearence alone. Yes, they had some cops getting killed with AK's but I imagine it wasn't that high but they had to do something. Sen. Howard Meteznbaum from OH was the Carrolyn McCarthy of the day and was clueless on what these guns were but they were scary looking and something had to be done about these weapons.

It was fun to watch her go stupid in the video though! [laugh]

Joe R.
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