Masked Antifa protesters show up brandishing weapons at Texas 'drag brunch' with kids: Queens for AR15's

When that group does show up at one of these 'events' that will be the start of something that's been festering for quite a long time. That's when the elastic will finally snap!!
because they would be protected and the "group that shows up" will be rounded up and thrown in the slammer.
The internet is to blame for the ills of society, they now have a showcase for their fetishes and thrive on the shock value that used to be housed inside and out of site.. AlGore, this is all your fault!!

Seriously though, when being gay was seen as a normal, it is only natural that we are at this point now. Now don't get me wrong, I really don't care who people marry or have sex with, but just don't tell me chopping your dick off and calling yourself a woman is the natural progression of humans evolving or a somewhat normal thing to do.

That poor kid in the orange tye dyed shirt is not getting the help he needs, he is clearly on the spectrum.. It won't take much for the parents to convince him he is a woman or needs to cross dress to fit in.
I think when they start messing with kids directly like this, it'll be the final frontier, the absolute edge. Even my moonbat liberal neighbor is sternly against kids at drag shows. If you don't stand up for your kids, what else is there to defend?
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I think when they start messing with kids directly like this, it'll be the final frontier, the absolutely edge. Even my moonbat liberal neighbor is sternly against kids at drag shows. If you don't stand up for your kids, what else is there to defend?
If we don't stand up to protect the kids, who will?
A lot of the pro-homosexuality people in the early stages of "LGBT acceptance " were claiming "all they wanted to do was get married and be recognized" and the normal people who were saying it's a slippery slope when morality and human nature are taken off the table, it will lead to insanity like this. The LGBT crowd was saying that's fallacious, etc. Now we see the fruits of it. As much as people deny it, we can see in practice that it's one or the other.

Either you have a society that is accepting + of celebrating men putting their thing in other men's butthole and the lifestyle based around that... or you have a society that doesn't accept that.

If sodomy is OK, then why isn't pedophilia and transgenderism? What are we basing what is good and evil on?
And here we are

The objective is to groom the public.
You want to see some grooming go to the Friendly Toast restaurants. they have their own version of grooming going on by having paintings and art work of children mixed in with pride flags and random peculiar “edgy“ art works. They round out the show with gender fluid wait staff wearing all manner of pride “flair”. At least the one in Burlington does. i can’t put my finger on it but I got a really creepy vibe in that place when I started looking at their decor. Im not surprised by their politics, their website has a blm support ad on their front page, but the subtle grooming atmosphere of that place is off-putting.
If sodomy is OK, then why isn't pedophilia and transgenderism? What are we basing what is good and evil on?

The short answer is a moral code which comes from a higher authority.

But that is a conversation which requires it's own thread.

Not to mention people who can discuss such a topic without immediately turning it into a dumpster fire.
A perfect example of how the real job of the police is to protect criminals from the public. Notice that when a conservative such as Ann Coulter or Ben Shapiro is invited to give a speech at a university, the leftist thugs commit enough violence to get the event canceled. The same thing should have happened here, including the permanent banishing of the groomers in the old Texas style: "If you're not out of town by sunset, you won't see the sunrise."
A perfect example of how the real job of the police is to protect criminals from the public. Notice that when a conservative such as Ann Coulter or Ben Shapiro is invited to give a speech at a university, the leftist thugs commit enough violence to get the event canceled. The same thing should have happened here, including the permanent banishing of the groomers in the old Texas style: "If you're not out of town by sunset, you won't see the sunrise."
the right isn't given the same level of protection and support the left is afforded. That needs to change first.

Approximately 20 children and multiple self-proclaimed teachers reportedly attended the event​

Masked, black-clad Antifa protesters showed up brandishing weapons at a "drag brunch" in Texas that was open to children Sunday.

Police maintained a presence at the event, which took place at the Anderson Distillery and Grill in Roanoke, Texas, and led at times to tense stand-offs between protesters and counterprotesters.

Approximately 20 children and multiple self-proclaimed teachers attended the event where drag queens performed and collected dollar bills, according to footage of the event obtained by journalist Tayler Hansen (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT).


Where’s a good sniper when you need one?
If sodomy is OK, then why isn't pedophilia and transgenderism? What are we basing what is good and evil on?
Because you're comparing apples to airplanes to chickens.
  • Sodomy is "ok" because it's not your place to tell consenting adults what they can and cannot do in their own bedrooms. That's not to say that you should be doing it too or that you even have to accept it - same concept as free speech. Btw heteros practice sodomy too.
  • Define "transgenderism". I can't say that I want daddy government to tell people if they have to feel more feminine or masculine, that's their own mental issue. However, that obviously only works as long as they don't drag (no pun intended) others into their lunacy. Make sense?
  • Pedophilia is a whole different topic. It's not about consenting adults anymore, it's about little kids - not even remotely close to LGB or even T.

I honestly couldn't care less about drag shows. Knock yourself out engaging in whatever weird fetish you have. But once you bring kids to these shows, the conversation takes a very sharp turn.
I thought a "Drag Brunch" was a Sunday Afternoon at New England Dragway...???

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There is only one worthy masked Antifa member.

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