Marine, who lost legs in Afghan, told "stop using wheelchair as a crutch"


Army Veteran
May 9, 2012
Castle Anthrax
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article said:
A U.S. Marine who lost both his legs in Afghanistan was forced to leave a Charlotte restaurant with his family after local football fans hurled vile abuse at them for wearing Dallas Cowboys jerseys.

Once in the restaurant, the Panthers fans continued to mock Carnes and his group. One person told Garrett Carnes: 'Don’t use your wheelchair as a crutch.'

Carnes, who is still undergoing treatment for his wounds at a Washington-area hospital, told them he was a veteran who had lost his legs in Afghanistan.

The situation quickly deteriorated and according to witnesses the two parties almost came to blows after one of the Panthers fans approached Carnes in a threatening manner.

...I wonder how much of a football jersey someone could be made to eat before they choke on it and die?

ETA: If this is a dupe, it was not found searching for "cowboy, marine, panthers, or wheelchair"
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Football brings out the gayness in everyone.

HEY **** YOU! I'll kill you! GO PATRIOTS!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!

...I wear my Pats jersey proudly, but I tend to stay out of screaming matches over a damned sports game. I am, however, known to call people all kinds of obscenities over the modern warfare games [rofl]
shows you where people's priorities are, worshiping millionaires who have trouble forming complete sentences, even when they're not in rehab or jail....over a hero who gave his legs for the right to allow these a**h***s to torment him!!

I don't get's a ****ing sports game!!!
shows you where people's priorities are, worshiping millionaires who have trouble forming complete sentences, even when they're not in rehab or jail....over a hero who gave his legs for the right to allow these a**h***s to torment him!!

I don't get's a ****ing sports game!!!

Shows where our priorities lay now doesn't it? Call someone a nigga or fag and it's a hate crime. Just plain ****ing despicable. I suspect nothing came of it other than this young hero's pride being bludgeoned. This pisses me off to where I can't see straight.
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I'm pissed at the drunken tools but they are drunken tools afterall. The sober proprietors of the establishment actually sided with the asshats. That REALLY pisses me off. It would be a terrible shame if the upcoming hurricane were to through a bolt of lightning at their roof after hours and purn the place to the ground. Just terrible.
shows you where people's priorities are, worshiping millionaires who have trouble forming complete sentences, even when they're not in rehab or jail....over a hero who gave his legs for the right to allow these a**h***s to torment him!!

I don't get's a ****ing sports game!!!
This. They make big money because it's entertainment, but I don't see anyone getting into fights over Taylor Swift.

When I was at Fort Knox we decided to go to a U Kentucky / Georgia game - Herschel Walker was playing for Georgia. Walked into a place for lunch and the hostess said she wouldn't seat us. I had on a red sweater and they thought we were Georgia fans. All four of us were Yankees, so once they heard us talk they made allowances for our lack of knowledge of tribal coloration. The South - where school football is more important than school....

Original article. Two sides to every story

an interview with The Observer, however, the fan said Carnes and members of his party were equally abusive. And he denied making a remark about the Marine’s wheelchair.

The incident happened after Carnes, his wife Courtney, their parents, and friends Brett and Nicole Coburn stopped at the restaurant for dinner after attending the Carolina Panthers’ game against Dallas. Several members of the party, including Garrett Carnes, were wearing Dallas Cowboys jerseys.

“Courtney was the first one out of the vehicle, and while she was getting Garrett’s wheelchair, one guy immediately started yelling at her,” said Brett Coburn, who described the man’s comments as “taunts.”

Coburn said that when the group reached the front door, the fan was waiting for them. “He was standing at the door, and he started harassing us because of the Cowboys jerseys,” Coburn said. He said the fan told Garrett Carnes, “Don’t use your wheelchair as a crutch.”

The fan, who did not want to give his name, gave a different account. “Moosehead is a Panthers’ bar,” he said. “When they came, wearing the Cowboys’ jerseys, I started up on them. I asked them if they were Cowboys fans who lived in North Carolina.” “I’m not going to fight someone in a wheelchair,” the fan said. “I’m sorry it happened,” the fan said Thursday. “It just got out of control. I wish I could talk to him (Garrett).”

Read more here:
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Fixed it for you.


No doubt.... I avoid most of the parents at my kids games. Instant a**h***s when a ref makes a bad call.

As as the disrespect that goes on because of different sports teams. Well thats just a small indicator of where our society has gone. They follow and care more about millionires and overpaid sports idiots than our county.
Imagine if people put the effort into elections and voting that they put into being sports fans? Like, if they knew their congressional rep's voting records like they know their favorite player's OBP? Or if they went out and campaigned for their official of choice like they turn out for a football tailgate party?

I like pro sports and I watch and I get somewhat emotionally involved (which is why sports appeals to - if it doesn't move you at least a little emotionally, I guarantee you don't watch), but I can't imagine the depths some of these people go to and there isn't anything that could be happening that would make me disrespect a combat wounded veteran like that.
Imagine if people put the effort into elections and voting that they put into being sports fans? Like, if they knew their congressional rep's voting records like they know their favorite player's OBP? Or if they went out and campaigned for their official of choice like they turn out for a football tailgate party?

I like pro sports and I watch and I get somewhat emotionally involved (which is why sports appeals to - if it doesn't move you at least a little emotionally, I guarantee you don't watch), but I can't imagine the depths some of these people go to and there isn't anything that could be happening that would make me disrespect a combat wounded veteran like that.

If you try to remember that most people are stupid and ignorant it helps.
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