Maine Service Rifle Championship 7/10-7/11

You use to only be able to offer a EIC match in conjunction with a State Championship or a Regional. There were so many shooters at Reading that they use to cut shooters after the 300 yard line. For instance the 1992 EIC held at the Reading Regional had 72 shooters and in 1994 the EIC held in Nashua had 73 shooters. You had to pre-register or you had a good chance of not shooting. I think last year they canceled one of the Leg matches at Nashua because there were not enough shooters.

What I meant was that match sponsors can put in for and get as many EIC matches as they want. I think Nashua had three or four a year or two ago. They even offered one for the match after the clinic. I twisted my buddy's arm to shoot it and he was the one extra guy they needed to award one six pointer. If it wasn't for him they wouldn't have had enough to award any.

I have a feeling not too many will be shooting Reading's last leg match...a lot of people will max out (3) with how many can be fired for the year if they shoot Nashua after the regional.

It dont matter for me, but I'm planning to go to Maine for the 80 shot...if the weather looks good
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