MA shut down well into June???.....Wife’s work says so.

Marina's closed , public boat ramps closed.

Shore fishing maybe till someone bitches about seeing people enjoying something and that will be banned too.
You should listen to the scanner and some of the calls coming in, JFC .
"I saw three people playing baseball, send a police car."
"I saw four people walking and I don't think they were exactly six feet apart , sent a cop "
You can tell by the responses on the radio the cops are loosing patience with all the PITA busy bodies.

HOW the F is sitting in your boat, alone 1/4 mile from shore fishing not “social distancing” or a bad thing?

serious folks. WTF?

because we are the police, you are the little people. We said so?

you can have your “rights” and property back when we say so. If we say so..
Well I have a cabin to get painted and a ton of other work to do up at my place in Maine. I was supposed to be up there right now. Now i'm gonna have to fight the skeeters and flys and do it in the hot ass summer.
Is there some edict that says you can't go fishing? Staying away from others it should be no problem

Did Maura give you permission to catch the commonwealth's fish? It's obviously illegal because there's no guidance stating that is legal. You want clarification? Well you must be too stupid to understand how clear it is. Maybe you need to spend six years in court trying to get standing so she can moot the case by issuing a vague FAQ which will be constantly stealth edited or reinterpreted by her office on an hourly basis.
/Sound about right?
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Did Maura give you permission to catch the commonwealth's fish? It's obvious illegal because there's no guidance stating that is legal. You want clarification? Well you must be too stupid to understand how clear it is. Maybe you need to spend six years in court trying to get standing so she can moot the case by issuing a vague FAQ which will be constantly stealth edited or reinterpreted by her office on an hourly basis.
/Sound about right?
I have permission. I have a fishing license 😂
I mentioned in another thread that a another doctor said we will not be in the surge until June. I think the officials will finally realize that if they haven't already. I also mentioned that the .guv will do this incrementally because if they announce a shutdown until June or July or even August right now, people will lose their minds and tell the .guv to go off themselves with all these restrictions
In fact they are starting to do that already. Two weeks ago I went to get some gas for the truck and there was barely another sole in sight.

Yesterday the wife and I went for a run and we had to wait for traffic to cross some of the streets.

people will not put up with all these restrictive shit all summer.

At each step the .guv will say just a little bit more so they can keep up the fear with a glimpse of hope at the end of the tunnel so they can maintain control over the people.

Anyone who was watching China and Italy had to know from the start this was never going to be a 2 week or even a 1 month deal. Both countries started with the short shut down that kept getting extended. People in the US saw that and that's why the stores are cleaned out and there is no TP.

I haven't quite decided what to believe about this whole thing. But the conclusion I'm coming to is that no one had a clue what this virus will do. They don't know what is does in the body or what determines how severe of an illness you end up with. But they've probably discovered some really bad info about it that they are never going to share. In China people seemed to get better then dropped dead. Japan had everything under control and now it's heading out of control again. They are all predicting it will be worse in the winter.

They can't be totally honest about it because people will freak. Add in the inconsistent and plain stupid rules they've come up with and it's going to be an ugly painful summer.
I say get our AG to give us all immunity from the virus so we can all go back to living. After all governor Baker hasn't got the balls to disagree with her past rulings !
If he was smart he would ease all restrictions now on a town by town basis. My town and the towns surrounding it have zero cases.

But he wont. Everyone will suffer. Though this isnt like taking someones gun rights away. When they are paying us off it will all still be ok. Plenty of communist sheep here.

When they arent or cant anymore, then you will see unrest. There will be some grumblings from red towns and people from the cape losing their ass on seasonal rentals in the meantime.
Not sure they will go full retard.

I just booked flights for the beach in South Carolina in June. I know they will be open. And at 50 bucks RT. Great deal. Fxck this Nanny a**h*** state
Well I have a cabin to get painted and a ton of other work to do up at my place in Maine. I was supposed to be up there right now. Now i'm gonna have to fight the skeeters and flys and do it in the hot ass summer.
How’s that? For as long as you go up and stay put plus bringing all your food and supplies what’s stopping you?

I’m heading up Thursday. I’ve had enough of this over reacting fear mongering government over reach BS.
Don’t see why it makes sense for all the counties to have the same rules when there’s a huge difference in infection rate. I knew Boston was going to get hammered because of the 20 hospitals and all the health care workers. But Worcester and West has much lower population density.

There seems to be a relatively direct correlation between population density and infection rate nation wide.
I ordered some furniture back in March. In Early April it was delayed for delivery after pussypants baker extended business closures till May 4th. I just got an email telling me they can’t deliver it before June 20th. Get ready folks!!!! We ain’t going nowhere!!!!!
Yep. I can see End-of-May for sure. We're behind the NY curve. Not by a ton, though. Seems like we MAY have already leveled off. Our "surge" was in days, not weeks. Maybe Memorial Day Tuesday??? (26th?). Probably not the 4th for sure.

I think the whole school thing was a good idea. Again, delay until after Memorial Day and what? 3 weeks of school? Best to just shut it down and let school systems get cracking on next year.
yep, leading story on the morning news. baker is standing firm, massachusetts is side by side with the ramblings of andrew cuomo, the rest of 2020 is cancelled. and we were only foolin'. and we didn't need that damn hospital ship, we just wanted to see if trump would send it.

He is in lock step and we will be treated like NY.

Trump will let these a**h***s ruin their economies because of stall and crawl. Meanwhile people in these states will suffer.

The bright side is it will make new Republican voters daily. Trump knows it.
Is there some edict that says you can't go fishing? Staying away from others it should be no problem

"Fishing and Trout Stocking: Fishing is allowed during this time with a valid fishing license. MassWildlife is continuing to stock trout this spring. For the safety of MassWildlife staff, please do not approach staff while they are stocking fish. For daily trout stocking updates, please visit Don't share a boat unless it is large enough so that all persons aboard can always remain at a minimum distance of six feet apart. Anglers and other paddlers in canoes and kayaks are reminded they are required to wear a life jacket through May 15. "

There seems to be a relatively direct correlation between population density and infection rate nation wide.

This isn't specific to COVID. If you look at maps of the spread of the Black Death, the pestilence followed trade routes neatly from Central Asia to the Black Sea to Italy. Italy was Europe's distribution center back in the Middle Ages. Still somewhat the same now. From Italy, the plague spread across the rest of Western, then Central, then Northern Europe. The last places to get hit were the backwaters of Medieval Europe like Scandinavia, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Poland, and the Rus.

The simple fact is people in rural areas don't come into contact with each other and especially travelers who carry diseases as often as people in urban areas. Lower population density and lower traffic coming in and out. Except for areas that are second home locations.
I'll give credit where credit is due. MA has greatly expanded their daily report, and it gives just about any data you could want. The only thing missing is the % of infection by county.

"Case % is" the % of people infected in each county.
"Growth" is the case growth percentage from 4/19-4/21.
Plymouth, Worcester and Hampden have all moved up. Middlesex has been near the top all along.

Case %Growth
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This is going to have some serious long term effects, Drug and alcohol use are way up. People are depressed and feeling isolated businesses closing for good. Tenants are going to not pay rent. The landlords will start to default on mortgages if they are not stable. I bet we see a huge surge in suicides also. Very sad. End the lock down it’s not worth it.
It's like these stupid, evil, shortsighted, and/or gutless pols can't see/refuse to acknowledge the other side of the equation. The continued lockdown has tremendous costs. Protect the vulnerable populations and let people live.
I am thinking that everything will mysteriously be opened as soon as the state pension funds go officially bankrupt.
They already are. The current State Public Employee Pension Debt stands at ~41 Billion Dollars. I believe about 12% of the State Budget goes to pay this deficit every year.
Cliff notes: new cases reported each day have been dropping for six days.
Yes, but the hand-drawn trend line is still going up presumably to infinity. I wonder when they draw the trend line correctly or, more likely, remove it since it does not add to the fear factor.
good news: operation was 100% successful. opened the patient, repaired the damage, closed up.

unfortunately, small side effect, the patient died.
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