LTC# recorded for ammo purchase?

I buy at dicklesses because when they run sales, combined with the rewards card, ammo there is the cheapest I can find. And yes, they take my ltc # every time. Molon Labe. I like my range time. I know we're all serious about privacy. What you need to understand is that there is NO privacy. If you pay with any type of credit card for ammo, it's been RECORDED! Heck, your fico score is now based off of stores you shop at AND the things you buy there. I understand people are protective of their SS#. I would write my SS# on every public bathroom I walk in to. Trust me, my ss# on a public bathroom wall is safer there than anywhere else. Believe me when I tell you, nothing you do is secret or private. If the .gov wants to look at you, they'd be able to tell you what you store under your kitchen sink better than you can!

And btw, we're all posting on the web. fuggedaboutit privacy kids. Just fuggedaboutit.
I'd just tell the clerk she can look at it to verify my identity, but she can't touch it or record any information because it's a felony for anyone by the license holder or a police officer to touch a LTC. No doubt she'd believe that and it's no goofier than any of their rules.

That's if I ever went to Dicks to buy ammo. They hide it behind the counter and there is never anyone at the Lodge to help you anyway.

This is the best reply in this whole thing.
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