Look at this Clown in the Projo

I'm waiting for them to show some moron shooting an airsoft gun that looks like an AR or AK and claiming they can be bought at some stores without background checks and can kill thousands in a minute. And the media wonders why a lot of people tune them out when the people who are reporting the "news" can't even get basic facts straight.
I reloaded the magazine, and as I fired, I smelled cordite before the ventilation system whisked the scent away.

What was he firing, an AR-15 or a WW1 battleships main gun ???

He almost sounded like he knew what he was talking about until this comment.
wasn't the worst newspaper article i've read, although the "medium kick" and "devastating damage" quotes were a bit over the top
Seems like an Anti that just slide a bit more right. Is that a problem???? And admitted a lot of his other Anti friends WANT to try an AR15.

What's that tell you???? Get these folks to the range and they'll vote with us (on this issue).
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