Loading 7.62x39

Dec 12, 2005
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Decided to jump in and load up some rounds for my scoped (Choate mount), buffered and Kivaari triggered Norinco SKS. I Have dies and bullets all assuming .310 bullets are appropriate for my gun. (I understand that foreign guns use .310 bullets and US made guns .308). Im going to use Reloder 7, CCI 200 primers and Hornady .310, 123 G bullets. Why load these? I was encouraged by a 9 round 2.5" group (one flew 1.0-1.5 inchs further out) at 100 yds. This was with Federal ammo not Wolf. Im looking for max accuracy......Any tips or info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...all..
you might want to try AA 1680 ball powder made specificly for the 7.62 x 39 meters the nuts thru a powder measure.
To quote a phrase 'Try it you'll like it"
Just pay attention to case length. The short squat bottleneck cases tend to stretch, particularly when repeatedly full-length sized for an autoloader.
I have a question about bullet size. I'm about ready to start loading my first batch of 7.62x39 after slowly accumulating the brass, tools, and supplies over the last year. I am loading for a Yugo SKS, and knew about the need for .310 bullets. However, on a trip to State Line Gun Shop last week for other supplies, I discovered they had new reloading supplies. They had .308 110 gr FMJ Hornady's, but nothing in .310. I took the chance and bought a box.

Of course, I found that all my once fired brass (about 600 rounds worth) is too big to seat the bullets properly. However, I have 100 rounds of brand new, never fired brass that needs to be prepped. Assuming I size it to .308, what are the risks/drawbacks, if any, of using these rounds in an SKS? If it's a waste, I'll bring the box back this weekend when I go to get the primers and either pick up the right stuff or order it. But I figured as long as I have the new brass, I might as well use these heads then re-size the brass to .310 for the next loadings.
first off you'll need a .308 expander ball RCBS used to give bothin their die sets'
RCBS will send you that part free call their toll free. As far as Redding,Lyman and the rest don't know if they do as RCBS.
You shouldn't have a problem using 308 dia bullets you accuracy might suffer a little buts that all.
first off you'll need a .308 expander ball RCBS used to give bothin their die sets'
RCBS will send you that part free call their toll free. As far as Redding,Lyman and the rest don't know if they do as RCBS.
You shouldn't have a problem using 308 dia bullets you accuracy might suffer a little buts that all.

Thanks Highlander. I have a Lee die set that includes both .308 and .310 expanders. I was really wondering what the effect of an undersized bullet would be. I figured as long as their FMJ's, leading won't be an issue. Just wanted to make sure I'm not overlooking anything.

I've never reloaded rifle cartridges, and maybe this is off-topic but, are you going to full-length resize the fired cases or only neck size them? Can you neck-size for rounds you intend to fire in an autoloader or is that a bolt gun/single-shot thing?

To my knowledge, no one makes a neck (only) resizing die for this caliber. Round is used in autoloaders almost exclusively....The best thing you can do for your SKS is get a Kivaari trigger job.....see Surplus Rifle sight....I put 9 shots in 2 1/2 " (1 flier) with that trigger and 3x9x50 Bushnell Scope...
actually lever pump and semi autos need to be full length sized some need a small base die which reduces the case dimensions even further. I have a neck sizer die for my 7.62x39 from Redding for my Ruger bolt action
My die set has a full-length sizer.

Expanding on this ([rofl] ), is there such a thing as a tool that un-expands the neck for lack of a better term, so you could, say, go from .310 back to .308?
sure it's called a sizing die.upon lowering the case after it's been resized you are expanding the neck when you take it out of the die by pulling the neck over the expander ball as the neck has been reduced in size when pushed into the die.
IMHO stay with the 308 expander you're not going to hurt any thing in fact that .002 tighter neck tension will hold the the bullet tighter and might reduce the need of a crimp
Considering that both the SKS & AK47 were designed to shoot minute of human groups, and that they spit brass about 50 feet in a 2 o'clock direction, I would suggest that you buy the still cheap surplus ammo sold a gun shows, or by mailorder, if you can find dealers willing to ship to Mass.
The chinese rifles are made of stampings, w/ pinned barrels. Not accurate.
The Russian or east block AK's have forged receivers, and screwed in barrels, and are more accurate.
I reload for a Ruger #77 & TC Contender, using .308 dia. bullets, & AA2015, or Data 2200 powder, w/ sub moa results. I have fired surplus .310 dia ammo in the #77 w/ no problems, and some is very accurate.
If Midway will ship to you, they have 125 grain fmj's in .310 dia in stk.
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