Little green guys under my name.

how do i get those little green dots up? Im gonna go green soon. Next unemployment check[frown]

If you post things that people find interesting or funny, & avoid posting stupid/useless things, they sometimes "rep" you. The more reputation points you have, the more "little green men" you'll have under your name. [smile]

Sorry to hear that you're unemployed. It's tough out there, but I hope you find a job soon. Good luck!
im gonna file for welfare have 10 kids and sell pot on the side, for now. that way i will have plenty of money for ammo. I will be the only legal firearm owner in the projects.
Why are some dark green and some light green?

Dark green are worth 1 point, when you give out reps to someone, you get a dark for every 100 pts you receive. Bright green are worth 2 points out, it takes 200 points received to get one. Except when you go from 500 pts to 600 points, I think.

Of course I'm just going by what the voices in my head tell me. [wink] So that may or may not be the case.
If you post things that people find interesting or funny, & avoid posting stupid/useless things, they sometimes "rep" you. The more reputation points you have, the more "little green men" you'll have under your name. [smile]

That's one way of getting them. The other way is to send Derek more money. I assume you guys have heard about Derek's "Super Green" program? It's only $125/month, but he adds the green squares a lot more frequently. My wife thinks I'm crazy to be sending him checks like that every month, what with our new baby and all, but I think it's worth the money!
how do i get those little green dots up? Im gonna go green soon. Next unemployment check[frown]

In case you don't know how to check your little green guys....

Click on User CP (top left of screen) and scroll down - you'll see the number of rep point and what, if anything is said. You can click on the post that they liked and see it. [smile]
That's one way of getting them. The other way is to send Derek more money. I assume you guys have heard about Derek's "Super Green" program? It's only $125/month, but he adds the green squares a lot more frequently. My wife thinks I'm crazy to be sending him checks like that every month, what with our new baby and all, but I think it's worth the money!

Dude you're not supposed to tell people about that. - reps for giving up the secret [frown][angry]

I am shocked that Blitz has the formula worked out in his head. Must be too early for drunken posting.[laugh]

I'm very good with numbers and it's not to early. I love you fol;aslhfwrlnatr. Crap my head just hit the keyboard. I meant to say folasf;lkjng

Dammit. I'm having issues here.

;' ila5w3h6[ gq
how do i get those little green dots up? Im gonna go green soon. Next unemployment check[frown]

I would examine what Blitz1 does when he posts. The kind of content, comments, and opinions he expresses. Then I would do the exact opposite. That should get it done [laugh]
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