Leaked DOJ Memo: Confiscate all guns

Alex Jones is an idiot.

If confiscation were ever an option, which it's not, do you think they are going to let that information 'leak out'???
Reason.com discussed this a few weeks ago, the memo is just a bunch of proposals from one dude at NIJ. It's not exactly "leaked", it's in the Colorado congressional record and there's even a copy on the NRAILA website.

The NRA even made a great video showing how stupid Ridgeway's memo really is:
(Video here or here)
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I agree that Alex Jones is hard to take, But think how some of you spout out about him, So quickly. Then think, Is this how the "polished" Main Stream Media has made themselves believable and others not?

Since there is other confirmation on this, I guess he was telling the truth. Isn't that amazing!!!

I don't think that this is a case of us being trained by the mainstream media into not believe Alex Jones' news/theories due to his unpolished approach. It's his theories themselves that give us pause. The man makes quite a bit of money selling his half baked paranoid theories to the gullible. While the framework for his stories are often based on fact, it is the spin he puts on the info that most object to. If a document showing that the Gov was selling squid to the Chinese were "leaked", he might jump to the conclusion that it was an Illuminati plot to undermine the constitution, and that this is a sign that the end is in fact nigh.
I don't think that this is a case of us being trained by the mainstream media into not believe Alex Jones' news/theories due to his unpolished approach. It's his theories themselves that give us pause. The man makes quite a bit of money selling his half baked paranoid theories to the gullible. While the framework for his stories are often based on fact, it is the spin he puts on the info that most object to. If a document showing that the Gov was selling squid to the Chinese were "leaked", he might jump to the conclusion that it was an Illuminati plot to undermine the constitution, and that this is a sign that the end is in fact nigh.

So he makes money from it? The man's got to eat and it costs money to run a website. How is that different from the MSM other than the MSM stories are frequently propaganda, usually deceptive or/or outright false designed to push a leftist agenda. And they make millions more than AJ.
So he makes money from it? The man's got to eat and it costs money to run a website. How is that different from the MSM other than the MSM stories are frequently propaganda, usually deceptive or/or outright false designed to push a leftist agenda. And they make millions more than AJ.

My point was that he uses his "the sky is falling" bs in order to draw attention and make money. I'm saying that this is a business for him, and that he does not actually believe any of the horseshit that he puts out there. It is just his schtick.

EDITED TO ADD...I don't have a problem with him making cash.
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So he makes money from it? The man's got to eat and it costs money to run a website. How is that different from the MSM other than the MSM stories are frequently propaganda, usually deceptive or/or outright false...
Not sure how much MSM "propaganda" is outright false, but Alex Jones not only makes stuff up, he does a lousy job of it. "News" shows up on his websites with no information on the sources, often his stories can readily be shown to be falsehoods.

Real professional journalists have a code of ethics that restrict them from directly making money from the subjects of their reporting. Real media organizations fire journalists who lie about sources, fabricate quotes, or report on something in which they have a financial interest or abuse their status. The media may "lean left", but at least they are usually more subtle about it than Alex Jones.
I agree that Alex Jones is hard to take, But think how some of you spout out about him, So quickly. Then think, Is this how the "polished" Main Stream Media has made themselves believable and others not?

Since there is other confirmation on this, I guess he was telling the truth. Isn't that amazing!!!

Shit, I trust anything Alex Jones has to say over anyone at NBC, CNN, or Fox News.
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