KCMO Police Shoot Out Own Windows Firing At Backfiring Van

[wink] It IS Kansas. I wouldn't be surprised if they still tied their guns down.

A resident of KCMO once described the city in the following way

KCKS is to KCMO as Danny Devito is to Arnold Schwarzenegger in Twins.

Honestly, this is keystone cop crap. These chuckleheads should get tossed and charged. Its not forgiveable or understandable you don't respond, in an everyday scenario, to noise alone with gun fire. Stupid.
A half-dozen shots actually hit the van. (I don't know if I would count that one in the roof rack.) I wonder how many shots were fired. Great shooting, guys. Nice job identifying your target before firing. It's a good thing this didn't happen when there were people on the streets. They probably would have had to disguise the event as a terrorist attack.

Yep, paid leave seems appropriate.
Wow, looks like that guy will be getting himself a brand spankin new van, and then some out of this. Regardless of what the internal investigation turns up for the officers, he definitely has a nice, solid civil case, there.
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