Just to get the hunters' blood roaring...

I refuse to give deer bows and arrows or firearms.Let them save up and buy their own.Also,make the deer take hunter safety courses like I had to_Oh and let's not forget the hunter orange clothing.
While I think this guy isn’t the brightest bulb due to his miniature rant on the horrors of obtaining sustenance, I’m not so easily fooled by the anti-gun theme he ecoli’d though his argument. …but he does represent a near perfect example that demonstrates to the extent that over the years large parts of the populace have become so desensitized to doing what needs to be done in order to survive.

Sticking on this topic alone you can see it when you go to your local Stop and Shop or Shaws or Market Basket. They don’t even have a picture of the cow on the wall anymore showing which parts are which, everything is in Styrofoam and in neat little packages so far removed from the animal that was slaughtered for the meat we will later dine on.

Just like self defense and self reliance. Its all taken care of for you, don’t even think about it. Heres your package.

Not so much of a leap there is there? [wink]
I've got to agree with the folks on this thread (Except perhaps N.E. Charters, I'm not sure what I'd be agreeing with there [wink]). As others have said, I'm not a hunter myself. I don't like animal cruelty. I have spent a lot of time helping animals in need. I'd consider myself pretty pro-animal. But none of that is in anyway in opposition to responsible hunting. Anybody who thinks it is (which seems to be the majority of 'animal rights' folks) is living in a fantasy land.
I don't hunt, but all it takes is one white knuckle roadtrip up through the North Country sometime between 7PM and Midnight to see that there is no shortage of wildlife ready to go careening through your windshield.
If Bambi can take and pass the proper safety course, be certified, and get permission from the chief of her town. And has the money to buy a shotgun, I'm all for it!

I'll be in my tree stand 300 yards away with a rifle.
I was so livid after reading that article, what a bunch of pure rubbish. I'm sure he has no problem stuffing big macs into his fat trap.
I grew up hunting. My family owns about 400 acres of ranch land, so I grew up with a rifle/shotgun in my hand. It was normal. We were hunting as soon as we walked out our door.

We also ate what we killed. We tracked spoor and walked the land and found our prey. We felt like we had done something at the end of the day, had earned our kudos and that made the meat taste that much better (even though it really didn't because it was usually pretty lean compared to farm raised animal).

What passes for "hunting" today is wussified, IMO. Build a stand, put out tons of feed over lots of time, maybe a salt lick or ten, then sit in your nice comfy ten billion dollar heated stand and shoot things that come to you.

Hell, you can even video hunt these days. Get on your computer, move the camera and press the ENTER button when you have a target in sight. Bang! Hunting via the internet.

What a joke.
A little Rubbed Ribs

I read the Artical and I said to myself "Myself" This lady must be into Soccer and a Vegetarion and most likly is a Sister of Saphoria


I suggested that she would do herself good to eat some Bar B Que as she stated that she is into ACORNS & BEECHNUTS.

Ahh???? By then I see that folks are refering to the Author in the Male Gender. However,nHe writes and thinks like a She and then re emergers as Jennifer in SC who is acctually from Georgia.

Hey there Georgy Girl.

If you get into a Gender Bender and Sideswipe Bambi you are allowed to keep the meat in most states. Your Auto insurance will kick in for the dents

Lets all get down and munch on some Ribs because God must have given you an extra.


I bet She/he reads the N.E.S news
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From the look of his picture on the bio page of the Sun, he doesn't look like he misses to many opportunities to stuff hamburgers down his pie hole.

If Bambi can take and pass the proper safety course, be certified, and get permission from the chief of her town. And has the money to buy a shotgun, I'm all for it!

I'll be in my tree stand 300 yards away with a rifle.

doobie, you know better than that when it comes to Massachusetts.

Bambi's offspring would attend school for free on your tax dollar, get a degree, find a suitable job by state ordinance, move into your neighborhood, then legislate your right to hunt with the eventual goal of making you a criminal so that her second cousin, the warden -will always have a job.

Bambi you can believe in!
I love to hunt. The only part I dislike is the actual killing, but I love everything leading up to it and following it. I eat almost everything I kill. Some things I don't eat, like 'yotes.

The enjoyable part of hunting is working the dogs, spending time in the woods, setting up the right set of circumstances for a kill, and making a good shot. The necessary part of hunting is population control.

+1 Exactly how I feel about hunting.
I would be lying if I said that I did not derive satisfaction from a quick humane kill.

We all know an animal has to die to feed us. My job as a hunter is to bring that death about in the most efficient way possible consistent with the ethics and legalities of the hunt. My satisfaction over the kill is derived from the way it is delivered.

However, mistreat and torture an animal in my presence and prepare to deal with ME.

I also derive satisfaction from doing the gutting, butchering (smaller game), and most of all, the cooking.
I would be lying if I said that I did not derive satisfaction from a quick humane kill.

We all know an animal has to die to feed us. My job as a hunter is to bring that death about in the most efficient way possible consistent with the ethics and legalities of the hunt. My satisfaction over the kill is derived from the way it is delivered.

However, mistreat and torture an animal in my presence and prepare to deal with ME.

I also derive satisfaction from doing the gutting, butchering (smaller game), and most of all, the cooking.

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