Is South Carolina NFA "Friendly"

Apr 8, 2007
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A friend in SC keeps telling me to move on down because "we can have anything we want down here". He does not own any NFA items himself. A quick check on the SC gov't site seems to indicate they are not NFA "friendly". A quick google came up with a list of states and the NFA items permitted in the state and had a note about SC changing their laws in 2001 to allow all NFA items. I'm confused, so, can someone give me a definitive answer here, or direct me to a current site with the latest info on what is allowed in each state? Thanks.
IANAL, but it appears that possession of NFA items is legal...

SCC 16-23-250 said:
The provisions of this article do not apply to any manufacturer of machine guns or military firearms licensed pursuant to the provisions of 18 U. S. C. Section 921 et seq., any person authorized to possess these weapons by the United States Department of the Treasury, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, or any other federal agency empowered to grant this authorization, any common or contract carrier transporting or shipping any machine gun or military firearm to or from the manufacturer if the transportation or shipment is not prohibited by federal law, or persons licensed pursuant to Section 23-31-370.

ETA: It appears my interpretation is correct, according to this from Apple Law Firm, PLLC...

David M. Goldman said:
Under the South Carolina Code Section 16-23-220, it is unlawful to possess most Title II weapons. These weapons are listed in South Carolina Code Section 16-23-210, and include machine guns, sawed off shotguns, and sawed off rifles. However, a person may possess these Title II weapons if he or she falls under an exemption listed under Section 16-23-250 or Section 23-31-330. Most South Carolina gun owners will fall under Section 16-23-250 which permits persons to own such Title II weapons if they are authorized to do so by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). Therefore, if a person is approved by the AFT to own the Title II weapon, he or she may possess the weapon in accordance with South Carolina law.
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Thanks, Kevlar. I'm surprised you were the only one to post a reply. Anyway, I re-read the SC statutes a couple days ago and did, indeed see the section you highlighted. It appears my friend is correct.
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