Ingraham caves to the almighty dollar

What pisses me off as well is all of the advertisers that caved. Just more folks to boycott (not that I'd buy their crap anyway). BTW, I think that he is now 18, so legally, if not emotionally and intellectually an adult.
I know the positive side to this is these weak minded companies expose themselves but wouldn't it make more sense to have sponsors that fit your demographic. I'm sure easier said than done but why don't more pro 2A sponsors step up to fill the void when this happens. People who wont back down to this little virus.
When you ‘give’ this much power to an immature kid - it only ends badly.

Look what happened with Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and the rest of kids that were raised on high.

I’m not sure ‘give’ is the correct word; impart or bestow might be more accurate. I’ve said it before, plane crash survivors aren’t treated as experts, neither are car crash, stabbing or beating survivors.
At least Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber had some amount of talent...


When you ‘give’ this much power to an immature kid - it only ends badly.

Look what happened with Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and the rest of kids that were raised on high.

I’m not sure ‘give’ is the correct word; impart or bestow might be more accurate. I’ve said it before, plane crash survivors aren’t treated as experts, neither are car crash, stabbing or beating survivors.
Guessing the advertisers were getting flooded with nasty email from Hogg's Hitler Youth followers. Also guessing that Ingraham was told by the brass at Fox that she needed to apologize to stop the bleeding. She doesn't own the network, and Fox has gotten wobbly since Ailes departed (the network and the planet.)
Limbaugh had a bunch of advertisers quit when he criticized Sandra Fluke. After the uproar quieted down, they wanted to come back, and he told them to eff off. The difference is, he calls the shots on his show, Ingraham doesn't. I wouldn't write her off yet.
I would never pick my job over my Rights.
Homelessness is its own kind of Freedom...
Ok. Now I love Katie P. too.

Give her Ingraham's time slot...

At least Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber had some amount of talent...

More than Laura Ingraham? Pathetic. Seriously she calls a spade a spade and here we are trying to decide if she should go on. The birthplace of freedom will be the death of it. Mark my f-ing words....
Yup, referring to David Hogg. No harm, no foul my friend.

More than Laura Ingraham? Pathetic. Seriously she calls a spade a spade and here we are trying to decide if she should go on. The birthplace of freedom will be the death of it. Mark my f-ing words....
Fox backing her up:

"We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts. We look forward to having Laura Ingraham back hosting her program next Monday when she returns from spring vacation with her children."

BREAKING: Fox News Releases Statement About Laura Ingraham's Future At Network

Now hopefully her viewers will put the pressure back on the advertisers.....I have. An opportunity to be heard folks...don't miss out. We need to take every opportunity...No mercy!
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Laura didn't CAVE, she's a practicing Catholic and in the spirit of Lent she apologized to soothe the child's hysteria. Hoggsbreath should understsnd he's playing with adults and if he gets butthurt over being told to stop whining he won't last long. The Libs will use him until his media value is gone and then he'll be like any other one hit wonder.
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