If you guys are looking for a lady who shoots


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
You might want to give a look at this post. Apparently, Kim du Toit is looking for a suitor for his daughter.

Good luck, and let us know how you like Texas. [wink]

She got me with the loves hard rock. Kinda made me think with the no tatoos. If she doesn't like em, she won't like me.

Dowry will include several guns!?!?!? Lost me with the doesn't want to work. I need a woman with ambition.

Expensive tastes. ( me too) But they keep pointing out that this girl has weight issues. :?

Skinny, pale white guys? ummm nope.

Here is my rebuttal proposal. [twisted]

6'4" italian male. Not totally dark due to some Irish in blood. Muscial tastes range from Hard Rock/Heavy metal to Blues, classical and so on. Schooled at Marine Military Academy in Texas and College at Penn State and UNLV. Temporarily working at Maine State Crime Lab. Work is a priority but not my first, (or second or third) I spend a good amount of my free time in the gym, not because I need to but because I want to.

I prefer to cook being from an italian household, but always love it when someone suprises me and cooks for me. I build street rally cars and collect firearms in my free time. I am from a strict household and have been programmed never to raise a hand to a woman. I attended military school and work in forensics so slight OCD is unavoidable. I am planning on moving back out west to further pursue my career in forensics. ( Not to mention there is more money out there)

Now what I'm looking for: [twisted]

I need a woman who can be treated like a princess have constant attention, yet still care about me. I love spoiling the ones I'm with but do need some spoiling in return. I am world traveled and come from a wealthy family, I do not expect the same, but I do expect a woman who can make an easy transition into such a life.

I do need a woman who is motivated. One that has goals. I believe that in a relationship where the partners try to motivate each other not only does the relationship grow but both people have a better chance of success.

I do not expect you to attend the gym with me, but I would need a woman who can keep up with me. I am from the city and finding it hard to get into nature but love going on long walks and sometimes running for no other reason than to have fun. Bascially I'm playful and need someone who won't die of a heart attack trying to keep up with me.

If interested or have any other questions please email me at...........

Geez I hope that gets her interest. 8)
"Get in me belly little doggy"

I will translate:
She doesn’t want to work: she wants to be a mother and housewife. Wants kids, lots of.

She wants to sit on her ass all day and eat Twinkies and Devil Dogs while watching Oprah.She wants to have many children so she can teach them to clean the house and cook so she never has to get off the couch.

No thanks..LOL
You guys are mean... I always think it's hysterical on TV commercials (start looking, you'll see plenty of examples) when overweight bald guys have really nice looking wives. So it's ok for a guy to look less than perfect but girls have to be above average or better...

Speaking from the perspective of a large woman who has never had trouble getting a date (or a good husband, yay Patrick!), not all men base everything on looks, but it's disappointing when men start acting like it's wrong to not be a friggin' Barbie.

Before I get off my soapbox, let me point out:
1) it sounds like she can outshoot most of us on this board
2) she's actually really cute, whether you want to admit it or not.
Now before I start getting bashed here I can honestly state that I did not see her picture until after my first post. So basically I think because of that I started teasing due to facts OTHER than the way she looks, however she may look. The reason I drew attention to the picture is because it seems like every princess who wants to stay home every day always seems to have that exact dog! Then when someone else stated about eating the poor little dog I stated that I doubted thats what she was doing.

So there!
Did I miss the part where I said she's not cute? Hey, Barbie doesn't do it for me.

From the recent Gretchen Wilson song "California Girls":
Well I ain't never had a problem with California
There's a lot of good women, Sacramento to Corona
But them Hollywood types, after a while wear on ya
Strutin' around in their size zeros,
Skinny little girls no meat on their bones
Never even heard of George Jones

As for where Kim says
She doesn’t want to work: she wants to be a mother and housewife. Wants kids, lots of.
I got news for him. From watching my mom with only 3 kids, and friends who have 2 kids, being a mother IS a full-time job.
So it's ok for a guy to look less than perfect but girls have to be above average or better...

Yes. :P

Before I get off my soapbox, let me point out:
1) it sounds like she can outshoot most of us on this board

C'mon now,because she was trained by "The Gun Guy" she can outshoot most of us ? Who is the gun guy anyway ?..LOL

If my Mom posted a pic of me on the internet and basically begged a bunch of strangers to take me off her hands with bribes of guns and a house...I would be expected to be critisized to no end by a bunch of females calling me a loser.If in the ad I weighed 300lbs and was 5 ft 3 and had lifetime aspirations of sitting on my ass and not working,I'm sure females would be quite harsh.Her wanting to have kids is just an excuse for her to sit around and not work.

A more attractive offer would be for her dad to leave a crane in his will because in 20 years that will be the only way to get her out of the house. :D
He does have a point.

I grew up around enough women that wanted a husband with money so they could just sit around and not work, have babies, and go shopping for shoes with the other JAPs and WASPs in the neighborhood.

So, when I read that, I was thinking the same thing. Good for the man that gets her...but it's not going to be me. Not because she might be heavy, or how she looks...but no wife of mine is going to be home because that's what she wants. That's just a lame excuse not to have to work and do something with her life.

If, I were to have enough money down the line where my wife can stay home with the kids, then so be it. But it's not because that's what she wanted her whole life. Because now she works, and makes damn good money. And I know that she can do it, and be damn good at it when she is working.

Let me put on my vest and Kevlar helmet before commenting.

All set now.

Anyway, I find it a bit interesting that a number of people here are criticizing her desire to be a stay at home mom for a couple of reason.

1) Until fairly recently in our history, we didn't NEED two salaries to make ends meet or even be "comfortable". It was only with the advent of increasing taxes that a second full time income became a necessity.

2) As to raising kids. There are any number of studies that show that kids who have a full time parent (of either sex) take care of them do better educationally and emotionally. As close second would be extended family members, but that's pretty rare these days as well.

3) It's interesting that the prevailing view point has changed so much that a stay at home mom is considered lazy. I don't know what they mean by "lots of kids", but as dad who spent a lot of time raising my two I can tell you that it's anything but sitting around the house doing nothing. That's if you do it right.

Those are just my observations on the debate.

Hmmm, maybe I should trade the Kevlar for Nomex. <G>
Maybe having a stay at home parent is good. But I can tell you this...my kid is in daycare with a lot of other kids, as well as older kids. I have another friend that has his in daycare with other kids as well. Both are far more advanced in what they do, say, and act as the two kids that are the same age that have stayed at home with the mother, with less interaction with other children.

I feel it's the same with home schooling. I don't feel that it's good for the children. They don't learn how to interact with the general public. And before you start bashing me... I'm just saying it's what I've seen from personal experience. Not from some study where you can get any outcome that you choose if you set it up the way that you want.

But that's getting off topic.

And I'm not saying that staying at home taking care of kids is a bad thing. Trust me, I know that it's not easy.

But when you don't have any, and you say that you just want to stay at home and become a baby factory, and that's all...Just so you don't have to work it a cop out. But that's just me. I don't have a problem with her staying home when the kids are there. But to say that he better understand that she's not working ever, and he's got to take care of her?

Come on here...that's just being lazy. What if she can't have kids? Or he can't? Is she still going to stay at home and spend all his money?

Just remember, not too long ago when the women was staying at home, taking care of the house. That's what she was doing, taking care of the house.

She didn't have a car, she didn't have access to the money. She was at home, cleaning, cooking, etc.... Not hanging out watching Opera and hiring a made and making reservations for dinner.

Somehow, from that post, that's not how she plans the relationship to go...

But that could just be me.
SiameseRat said:
Greg and Grifter:

All I can do is say, good luck in your search...

You'll need it!!!! [lol] [lol] [lol]

I don't think luck is required when looking for a woman that doesn't want to lay around the house,get morbidly obese and squeeze out kids for a living.Matter of fact,I'll bet that kind of women is rare nowadays,unless you live in Alabama or some redneck type state.

What I find really friggin ironic is if this was a MALE being pimped out looking for a sugar mama,the tone of the replies would be much different.

Might be something like:

"Who wants that fat piece of shit,he doesn't want to work,has no ambition in life and he is such a loser he has his Dad put him for sale on the web because nobody that he meets is interested in him."

If that was a guy,I wouldn't be holding back like I am now,she obviously has some sort of eating disorder.If it was a guy I would call him a fat ass pathetic loser that needs to drop 2 or 3 hundred pounds,get off his ass and get a job.Don't rely on anyone else to take care of you.

Only that women wouldn't actually come right out and say it.If that was a guy for sale,how many women here would want to marry and support him ? Why should guys be any different ? Are we SUPPOSED to support women because we are guys ?

Give me a break.

C-Pher summed up my thoughts and said it best in his one paragraph:

If, I were to have enough money down the line where my wife can stay home with the kids, then so be it. But it's not because that's what she wanted her whole life. Because now she works, and makes damn good money. And I know that she can do it, and be damn good at it when she is working.
Greg said:
SiameseRat said:
Greg and Grifter:

All I can do is say, good luck in your search...

You'll need it!!!! [lol] [lol] [lol]

I don't think luck is required when looking for a woman that doesn't want to lay around the house,get morbidly obese and squeeze out kids for a living.Matter of fact,I'll bet that kind of women is rare nowadays,unless you live in Alabama or some redneck type state.


I can only assume that you've never been around kids, nor taken care of a household. Otherwise you wouldn't consider doing these things "lazy."

I can also only assume that you didn't really mean to offend anyone from the South or any stay-at-home moms by making it seem like you honestly believe such ridiculous stereotypes.

However, all assumptions aside- you really will need luck. Because really, with the low image you have of women who bear and raise children, you may very well find yourself single and childless. But then again, there are plenty of empty Barbies who would love nothing more than to enter into a vacant relationship, with whom you will enjoy great fun mocking the rest of humanity for not being perfect and for bringing up more imperfect children... As I said... Good luck! You'll need it! [roll] [roll] [roll]
Gee, go to sleep for 8 hours and the conversation runs away on itself. I think I may need to further clarify myself on a few things.

1. I am not looking for a barbie type and don't think I will in the future. I have already had my fair share of barbie type, but not because I am shallow. As a younger male we find companionship with other males ( no gay jokes) Meaning we hold most of our intellectual AND immature situations with other males. Which gave me time to date these "Barbie" types. Girls with no brains and so on. But growing older and starting to see my dreams come into place I am drawn towards a more intellectual type. Hanging out with the boys and havin some buds and getting in trouble is far from my mind now. Majoring in BioChem with a minor is Forensic Chemistry means that sometimes yes, after a long day I want to come home and just be dumb, my brains needs the lack of thought to be able to function the next day. But on the other hand I need a woman that can at least understand parts of my day other than what I ate for lunch.

As far as me criticizing her for wanting to stay home. I don't recall and honestly right now don't want to look at the ad again, but I don't recall in one single sentence being told what her goals are. She shoots. She shoots better than I do. Wow, what else? How can someone honestly wake up in the morning at 40, with 8 kids running around and a husband who is never home because he works so much and say to herself, " Well, I'm depressed out of my mind, But MAN CAN I SHOOT!"

Regardless of her weight or appearances. SHE is this Barbie you keep referencing. No brains, no goals and wants to be nothing but a princess.

2.Stay at home mom. Now, I am not a template for every child. BUT, both my parents were very career oriented. I saw them as much as they could, but other than that I went to day school, pre school, and so on and so on. I, ME personally chose to go to Marine military academy because I knew it would open doors for me. My parents gave me absolutely every single thing I needed, but not a lot of what I wanted. Now I'm going to accept a 6 figure job out west doing what I absolutely love. There is a grave difference between being a full time mom, (which as anyone can tell you, I dont care how many jobs a woman works, she will ALWAYS be a full time mom) and being a slob. If my wife wanted to stay home for the first year of my childs birth, fine yes I understand, but if she told me that all she wanted to do was stay home every single day even after the child was attending school I would have to draw the line. If I told any woman that I know that my dream was to knock some broad up so I could stay home for the rest of my life I would be called a loser.

There is her or shall I say people like her. We all remember them growing up. The Princess who gets what she wants when she wants it. We wonder, " How will she ever make it in life? She always has everything handed to her.." Mommy and Daddy spoil her. Buy her little doggies and anything she wants. If she wants to become overweight its fine. Eventually she just becomes this blob (no pun intended) with no life and doesn't know how to do anything for herself.

Point in case: Her FATHER had to put out a NATIONWIDE ad online for her.

If I told my father that I couldn't find a woman he would tell me to stop whining and get out of the freakin house and find one. Not because he is insensitive, but because he cares enough to understand you'll never get anywhere sitting on couches with your little foo foo doggy, depression eating and listening to heavy metal. And NO he wouldn't care if I was a good shot or not.

And yes I agree with Greg. If my mother or father was to go online and put up an ad for me looking for a woman to take care of me for the rest of my life I personally would be so embbarassed that I would die. But regardless of that I mean lets reverse this:

His Name is Neil. He has a weight problem. He is not fat but not skinny. All he does all day is sit around and listen to heavy metal. He has no goals. If you marry him we will give you a bunch of guns. ( lol I understand the father is an avid gun collector but that just sounds so backwoods) We will give you a house too! He himself would have typed this but doesnt want to hurt his precious fingers. Here is his picture.

Grifter, overweight, sitting on couch. Wearing an AC/DC t-shirt which is hanging over his stomach. Holding 80 pound english bulldog in lap.

Women would vomit. Women could joke around ten times harsher than we were just doing and no man would come in here and blow a whistle at them, because even though it would be the right thing to do, you have to agree whether you like it or not.

Sorry for any typos. Early morning for me, and still havent had any coffee.
SiameseRat said:

I can only assume that you've never been around kids, nor taken care of a household. Otherwise you wouldn't consider doing these things "lazy."

I can also only assume that you didn't really mean to offend anyone from the South or any stay-at-home moms by making it seem like you honestly believe such ridiculous stereotypes.

However, all assumptions aside- you really will need luck. Because really, with the low image you have of women who bear and raise children, you may very well find yourself single and childless. But then again, there are plenty of empty Barbies who would love nothing more than to enter into a vacant relationship, with whom you will enjoy great fun mocking the rest of humanity for not being perfect and for bringing up more imperfect children... As I said... Good luck! You'll need it! [roll] [roll] [roll]

You assume way too much.For one thing your lack of reading comprehension is astounding.To be able to draw so many conclusions about me from 3 posts is absolutely amazing,how do you do it ?

I am guessing you watch quite a bit of Oprah.Assumptions suck,don't they ?
Mod hat on:

Let's keep the conversation on a level where we don't insult other members of this forum, OK?

1) Grifter: I can see your point of view. That's fine. However I can't quite figure why you would have a problem with a woman staying home after a child is in school. Except maybe because this isn't how you were raised. Until I was 12 the only time my mother had worked during the previous 17 or so years of marriage was when she was living in Korea while my father was stationed there. So if that means that you are going to say that she was lazy we are going to have a real problem. Actually, the only reason she went to work at that point was because my father hit hard times when his company fell victim to an arsonist. Her job was to cook, clean, take care of the house and especially, the kids.

The fact is, I work now. But when I have kids I want to take as much time as my husband and I can afford. If it turns into years and years, then so be it. And thankfully, he doesn't have a problem with that.

2) Greg: I can only go by what you've said. And since none of it seemed to support other better possibilities I figured I'd question the probability of my assumption.

To end my role in this discussion let me say a few things here:

1) Feminists would be proud. Here we have a prime example of how "women's lib" has now created a great problem. Staying home, taking care of your home and family is now seen in a negative light. How frightening that the most important job a woman can ever have, that is, of being a mother, is now something to be frowned upon. Or something we can target as "laziness."

2) wonderful aspects of women being expected to work after childbirth:
a) who's raising your kids? Is daycare really where you want your child to learn morals. Yes- it's a great place for a few hours a day so that you don't wind up with socially retarded kids, but all day, every day?
b) who's going to cook, clean, help the kids with homework and do all that key stuff? 9 times out of 10 it's going to be mom, who just worked an 8 hour day. So where will you be? Watching tv? Relaxing?

3) I have no problem either way with what a woman wants to do. Either way it is her right to decide if she wants to work or wants to stay at home and put all of her energy into raising her children. Regardless of what some of the men on this board think, either way, she's going to be working her ass off. I don't think most women want a husband who is going to dictate to her and say "thou shalt not be a stay-at-home mom" unless she wanted to go back to work right away anyway.

4) I do not believe that her ad is offensive or ridiculous. They explained in the post that they were old-fashioned and that their daughter wanted an arranged marriage. Different strokes. I know a few Indian people who are very happy with their arranged marriages. Would I want one? No. But they can work. Who are we to attack her for wanting something different?

In closing- everyone is allowed their own opinion. Me, you, her. This is a great forum to allow us to express our differences. That's just what they are. So my apologies to anyone I offended, and I'll figure that nobody wanted to offend me. So, we've aired our feelings. If anyone else has something to say, go ahead, we're reading. But I'm going to now let this thread go its own way.
SiameseRat said:
9 times out of 10 it's going to be mom, who just worked an 8 hour day. So where will you be? Watching tv? Relaxing?

I just have one thing to say...I was just reading this report when I was at my wife's OB/GYN appt to talk to the baby doctor. Hear the heartbeat, and keep up on my wife's progress. Anyway, that today, the father is now 40-80% of the kids time. Which is up 80% from 1985. That today the father is perticipating with the child as much, if not more than most mothers.

Now, I'm not saying that that's most of it...I guess that a lot of it has to do with broken homes and the like. But, now the father isn't coming home and just leaving everything to Mom after she's been working.

And again, I don't think that we're all saying that staying at home MOM is seen as negative. I just think that people are saying that growing up saying that you're going to do it without regard to anyone else is seen that way.

Like I said, what if they can't have kids? Then what? She's still going to stay at home? And if she want's to be old fashioned, then live that way. Just like it used to be. One car for the family, that the man took to work. One checkbook, that the man kept...etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...

But again, for some reason...I don't think thats' what she's expecting out of this relationship that she's looking to have arranged.
SiameseRat said:
I always think it's hysterical on TV commercials (start looking, you'll see plenty of examples) when overweight bald guys have really nice looking wives

Nothing funnier than some 40's-ish rich balding dude w/a second trophy wife.

They could have tried e-harmony first. It would be cool to see if she get's a bunch of marriage proposals from guys in prison. [lol]
Whoa, first off let me just put out there that nothing I said is meant to personally offend anyone on this board. Just putting my opinions out there, and I admit, I always love a little debate. So if anyone one this board feels personally targetted I am sorry.

I agree with C-pher I am not trying to say anything is negative about motherhood. In my posts I have tried to keep on top of saying, "My wife". If a woman wants to do nothing, or if the woman wants to go blow stuff up for a living thats fine, I see things wrong with that, and it's my right to speak against it, but I will not marry this woman. Hence whenever I say what I want to see, it's normally started with "my wife". Now before anyone calls me barbaric and saying what my wife HAS to be. No. I am saying what type of woman I am looking for. I want my marraige to be an equal partnership, not me taking care of her and nothing but.

Now heaven forbid anything happens to my wife, but lets say something did where she couldn;t work, or even more heaven forbid something happens to my child and she has to take care of them. Then yes, I can understand a woman putting her goals aside to do nothing but be there for that child or be there for themselves. And if they did not want to give up their goals I sure would to be there for them or child.

Anyone can attack anyone and say that being a mother is the hardest thing on earth. (and I know this next part will make people angry) But the second hardest job on earth is being a father. Now don't anyone get up my butt with the men don't have to go through labor stuff. Yes I know this. I gave women the top spot. Well not me personally but you understand.

Another turn around. A "walk a mile in his shoes" as you say. Why is it that, now keep in mind, no I do not have children, but I have been raised by women primarily and have many many freinds and siblings with children. Why is it that when a man opts to stay home and take care of the child and the wife goes to work that that is looked down upon?? He is called lazy. His masculinity is made fun of. He is told it is not his job?
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