I thought stealing a gun was a huge felony


NES Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Steal a car, steal a gun, cross a state line with a minor.. bail jumping..
One year in jail.....


A Wisconsin teenager will need legal permission to date girls for the next three years after he was convicted of fleeing to Tennessee with his girlfriend in a stolen car.

Nineteen-year-old Jordan S. Christensen of Appleton was sentenced Friday to one year in jail and three years' probation. Outagamie County Judge John Des Jardins has ordered "no dating of the opposite sex without permission of your probation agent."

Christensen had pleaded no contest to charges of auto theft, stealing a firearm and bail jumping. He apologized for his actions before the sentencing.
Stealing a gun is a Fed crime, so is crossing a state line with a minor which could have earned him a life sentence IIRC. Lucky for him he wasn't prosecuted by the Feds.
How Liberal of the Judge.


Well it would have been NON-PC if he prohibited dating of the same sex w/o the probation officer's approval! [thinking] We certainly couldn't allow that to happen now, could we! [shocked]
The "crossing state lines with a minor" can be a real snake pit.

Luckily I was never snared in it.

As an 18 yo, I had a GF in Cherry Hill, NJ who was 16. My first trip to her home, her Father loaned me his car (I had flown down and stayed as their guest for a week or two) and we made at least 1 or 2 trips to Philly (only a few miles away). IIRC, NJ also had a curfew for underage females that I had no idea about and many years later I learned that I had had her out past curfew on NY Eve too. Of course we did return to her home each evening (or early morning) [wink], but the law being the law . . . oh well, ignorance was bliss and I got along great with her Parents (sadly, better than with her) so there were no conflicts that would have led to LE intervention.

Luckily when I met my Wife, we were both >21 so all those weekend drives up to NH were perfectly legal! [laugh]
Only if it's theft from an FFL, IIRC.

10 year sentence (or something like that?).

I thought it was any gun theft, under the guise of "it had to have gone thru interstate commerce" BS. I'll admit that I've never researched it, so I could well be wrong here.
We had a co-worker whose brother stole a car, a gun, and a bottle of whiskey and drove to Cape Cod, where he got busted for some drugs. He stole the car and gun in NH but they did not extradite him. He was 18 and got a similar sentence: 1 year in jail and a lengthy probation.

Pull that shit without a criminal record and just turned 18 and you seem to get slack. Have a strike on you and pull a similar stunt at age 21 and I think you'd be taking up a more lengthy residence.
If you haven't learned DON'T TAKE CRAP THAT DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU by 19, you have a serious problem. If you haven't figured out that stealing a car, AND a gun and crossing state-lines with your minor GF...

I'm fine with the one year. -As long as they snip him before he can breed.
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