"I just love to sell guns... ha ha ha."

I actually know that guy. I sat next to him on a 24 hour flight to Hong Kong back in 1985. We got real drunk. He's been running the broadcast version of that ad in Indy since the 70's. Actually, it's more of a leering "heh heh heh" than a ha, ha ha. My wife hated him
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I like the fact that his ad would probably give a gun grabbing
a-hole a coronary just by seeing it. [smile]

God bless the guy.

That was the first time I ever went into a dedicated machine-gun store. My father took me there when I was 17. He was behind the counter and was gregarious and larger than life. I got to shoot a suppressed MAC-10 for my Birthday. Loved Don's Guns.... [grin]
Would you buy a gun from this man?...


(the gold plated Tec-9 is a nice touch [rolleyes])

Don Davis... I can't ever recall reading anything favorable about that guy (and this is from gun owners).

(this is just one example... http://gunsnet.net/forums/archive/index.php/t-306853.html)

Then there's this gem...

a powerful gun
Demand drives sale of assault-style weapons

By Mary Beth Schneider
[email protected]
August 19, 2004

Don Davis has been telling TV audiences for years how he loves to sell guns -- but even he thinks the semiautomatic rifle used to kill an Indianapolis officer Wednesday and wound four others should be outlawed.

"They're terrible," said Davis, owner of Don's Guns, 3807 Lafayette Road.

And, he added, "I sell them like crazy."

In 1993, Davis said he would stop selling the weapons, which have military features allowing rapid, accurate firing. He burned 44 AK-47s in a pit to make his point.

Four years later, he began selling them again. He said politicians bowed to pressure from groups like the National Rifle Association to keep the weapons legal.

He said there was just too much demand for the AK-47, which sells for about $300 and the cheaper $150 knockoff, the SKS -- both of which are imported.

Police say an SKS was used to kill Patrolman Timothy "Jake" Laird early Wednesday.

"They're all legal, and we sell them every day to 18-year-olds," Davis said. "Isn't that terrible?"

Davis said they aren't used for hunting.

But they are used in crimes -- including the slayings of law-enforcement officers....

Complete article...

He also supports closing the "gun show loophole"...

Don Davis brings a colorful sales pitch to the business of selling guns in Indianapolis.

A one-time dock worker and Teamsters Union official, Davis made his fortune by creating a double-barreled attraction for Indiana gun lovers. He put shooting galleries with hourly rental rates beside his gun display cases. Davis now claims to have the largest retail gun business in the United States. In newspaper ads he points a handgun at the reader, Uncle Sam style, over his oft-repeated motto, "I don't want to make any money. I just love to sell guns.''

In his own way, Davis is a gun-control advocate. He put up a sign at Don's Guns and Galleries congratulating President Clinton on the 1994 passage of the Brady Act, which requires background checks on all gun store customers. He has campaigned to restrict concealed-weapons permits and advocates extending background checks into the realm of private gun sales.

He is also, according to The Post's analysis of ATF records, the nation's top seller of firearms made by Saturday Night Special manufacturers to people buying two or more handguns. In 1997 alone, multiplehandgun buyers left his two Indianapolis stores with more than 900 cheap semiautomatic pistols. He figures his sales of cheap handguns have grown since then.

"And I'm proud of it,'' he said. "You know why? Poor people need guns more than rich people do.''

In suburban neighborhoods like his, Davis said, homeowners are protected by gates, burglar-alarm systems and an occasional sheriff's patrol car cruising by. But "people in the inner city, in the big city, those are the people who need to protect themselves.''

At his prices, "a lot of people'll buy two. That happens,'' he said. "One for his kid on sale, or one for his wife.''

Davis said he has been in the gun business for 27 years, and none of his customers leaves without being checked out by the FBI first. ATF officials in Indiana agree. They say Davis keeps clean books, assists with criminal investigations and sells no guns to people who fail background checks.

Yet according to an ATF survey, many of the handguns sold at Don's Guns and Galleries end up in the hands of criminals. In the last three years, almost 2,000 guns were traced from criminal suspects to two of Davis' stores, making him the leading supplier of crime guns in Indiana as well as the top seller of cheap pistols.

Davis blames a system that regulates his gun sales to every customer, but none of the sales his customers make. "They can walk right outside Don's Guns' doors and sell that gun to anybody they please. Isn't that stupid?'' he said.

"If there's anything wrong with us selling multiple guns, just step up to the bar and pass that law,'' Davis said. "They make it. We follow it.''


(I've read other comments that suggest that he doesn't even like the idea of allowing any private sales).
LoginName, thanks for posting that.... I hadn't heard
of the guy before.

Guess he is just two faced... [puke]

If you asked most gun dealers in MA (that don't do gun shows) about the "gun show loophole", I would expect that most would say that it "should be closed". Most (that don't participate) would probably like to see all gun shows shut down, just like most like the fact that out-of-state dealers won't ship much of anything into MA.

They figure it is "good for their business" if they can cut down some of their competition. [rolleyes]

Same reason why BassPro apparently didn't get invited to join the MA Dealers' Assn (which I have since learned is really dead) and instead was "turned in" under the guise of said org for selling "banned in MA goods"!
LoginName, thanks for posting that.... I hadn't heard
of the guy before.

Guess he is just two faced... [puke]


Here's an old ad picture of the snake...


(Never trust a man who says that he's not interested in making any money while smiling at you with $10,000 worth of crappy looking capped teeth and wearing more gold jewelery than a South Side pimp).

While I'm at it... an old Photoshop of mine [smile]

hahaha. I saw this video http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1746913 about a year ago. my girlfriend's good friend lives in indiana and i half kidding told me gf that i would go out to indiana with her if we went to this shop and rented some guns to shoot. Long story short we ended up booking a trip and we all got to shoot at don's guns. Probably one of the most entertaining days of my life. The range is a tiny indoor range, there was about 3 brinks guys qualifying, and then 3 young thugs (gold teeth, the whole nine yards, no joke) shooting a mossberg all over the place. an experience to say the least. o ya and he advertises come shoot for just 10 bucks a gun. yAaaaaaaaaaa. thats just for the gun. there were 4 of us and to shoot 20 rounds thru a DE and 50 through a glock 19 came out to well over a hundred bucks after all the range fees, ammo, targets etc. The woman who was working there showed me the colt she carries in her back pocket, all silver and gold, and insctibed with 'we just love to sell guns' or something to that effect. The place does have quiet the selection tho. When i was there they had a Barrett, mac 10 with a huge can, tec's, etc etc.
Police say an SKS was used to kill Patrolman Timothy "Jake" Laird early Wednesday.

"They're all legal, and we sell them every day to 18-year-olds," Davis said. "Isn't that terrible?"

Davis said they aren't used for hunting.
Could that be because Indiana does not allow big game hunting with centerfire rifles?

Don Davis is a douchebag.
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