I feel for this coutnry's future

Aug 23, 2005
Jacksonville, FL (AKA a free state)
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Just had a discussion with a person on another forum who is in Japan and told me that by and far the US Journalist Proffession is Unbiased AND moderate.

Now, I laughed and asked her how they can tell. She just said 'because someone has to make Bush accountable.'

I had to point to her that I actually took journalism classes at 4 different universities. Was a student writer and met actual journalists and when I asked them, they all agreed. Journalists, on the average, tend to be liberals.

When I pointed that out, I got the usual ranting and raving a crazy. And to think, someone like that can end up ruling our country. I am just cringing to think that.

Anyone else have harrowing tales of the future 'leaders' of this country?
I was on my first semester of College in September 2005 and my girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me around that time.

I wasnt a citizen and back then I was somewhat of a Liberal. :eek:
damn. he had some health problems although i dont remember specifics or if he elaborated. i do remember him becoming really distant towards the end.

hope he just quit the internet and is ok... he would of been in his late 30s around the time he went missing... super young
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