how to get this buck to come to me


NES Member
Sep 11, 2009
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hey guys, got a dilemma. im not the most experienced deer hunter in the woods so help me out here. last weekend i was sitting on a ridge on my property that overlooks a gully, my side i own, the other side is my neighbors, its split just about right in the middle, the entire gully is probably around 300 yards wide. behind me is a 20 acre field i own. the gully is wooded and past the woods is a heavy thicket/swampy area. there is a trail (that is in my field of fire) that goes down the gully from my field to a small clearing that is on my neighbors land. the border is marked by a metal gate. ok... so you kind of get the lay of the land here....

saturday night i am sitting on my rock, which is just inside the woods of my field, overlooking the gully. i can see down into my neighbors clearing. about 45 minutes before dusk, 3 does come out of the swampy area into my neighbors clearing and start grazing. a few minutes later i see them looking behind them, and sure enough, the moose of my dreams emerges from the swampy area and struts out to the does. he chases them around for a few minutes. then, the does head off away from my location deeper into the neighbors land. The buck hangs out in the clearing for a few minutes scraping the ground, and then heads in the opposite direction of the does down the ridge parallel to me. i think he eventually ends up following that ridge up and into my field, but it got too dark for me to see him anymore...

SO... do i hunt him saturday morning, or saturday night? do i try to sneak down the trail, open the gate, and leave a scent drag-rag up the trail for him to follow at dusk into my mosin killing zone? scent? grunt? rattle? help me out here guys. this buck had a huge body and looked like at least an 8 point.
Try sitting all day, it's just about that time anyway. Haven't had much luck with calls or scents, but I put out some estrous last Thursday morning and hit the blest can a few times. 15 min later a nice 8 point came in, drew at him but didn't like the shot. Who knows why he really came in.....
When there's a buck in your area during the rut you have to hunt them as often as you can. The rut makes bucks hard to pattern, and they move a lot. If I see a nice buck during the rut I try to sit my stand as often as possible. Sometime they hang around sometimes there long gone. Focus on the does try to pattern them, and hope you run into a monster.
When there's a buck in your area during the rut you have to hunt them as often as you can. The rut makes bucks hard to pattern, and they move a lot. If I see a nice buck during the rut I try to sit my stand as often as possible. Sometime they hang around sometimes there long gone. Focus on the does try to pattern them, and hope you run into a monster.

This. Plus hang scent and try a Primos Can Call. I hunted a very similar set up several years ago. A nice 9 pointer came in on my set up from over a 100 yards like he was on a string. I kept hitting the Can call until I knew he heard it. His man parts got the best of him and now he's hanging on my wall.[smile]
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