How the US can have guns but fewer gun problems


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
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From a notorious anti-gun academic at the Harvard gun violence research center...we can still have our guns - if we essentially give up the 2ndA at its core and let the Government protect us. But who will protect us from the Government?


The US will probably always have lots of guns, so we need to learn to live with them. Currently, we are dying from them. We are also causing many deaths in neighbouring nations, as US guns are readily available to criminals in Mexico, Jamaica, and Canada.

Compared to other high income countries, the US is average in terms of (non-gun) crime and violence.1 But we have many more private guns per capita, particularly handguns and military grade firearms. We also have the weakest gun laws.23 In 2015, the US death rate from firearms was over 11 times higher than that of other high income countries.4 It has increased by 20% since then. In 2020, more than 120 American civilians per day were killed by guns.

How can the US learn to live more safely with guns? The key is to have a national plan. Current policy discussions are fragmented, considering only isolated measures, one-at-a time. We need a vision.5 Perhaps it could come from a national non-partisan commission of independent experts that agree on a goal (for example, access to guns for home defence combined with low rates of firearm crime, homicide, suicide and accidents) and provide a blueprint for achieving and maintaining that outcome.

Here are some items that the blueprint might contain.6

First, we must make safer guns. For example, ensure that guns that cannot go off inadvertently or when they are dropped.7 Guns should be made childproof—currently 2 to 4 year olds have relatively high rates of accidental gun death, and they typically shoot themselves.8 Semi automatic handguns should not fire if the magazine is removed—the most common cause of accidental gun death in children is believing a gun is unloaded when it can still fire a bullet.8

To reduce crime, it should be much more difficult to obliterate a gun’s serial number—currently, many recovered guns are untraceable; all guns should be capable of ballistic fingerprinting to help identify from a spent bullet the precise firearm used—it should also be possible to determine who originally bought a particular gun, along with the last legal owner (through gun registration); and guns should be difficult for unauthorized persons to use. Among other benefits, smart guns would decrease gun theft. Over 300 000 guns a year are stolen in the US, according to national estimates.9

The US government should undertake research and development to advance both microstamping and smart gun technology.10 The government should also conduct research on better alternatives for self defence than handguns, which are relatively ineffective without considerable training, and pose a substantial health threat to family members from suicide, accidents, and interpersonal violence.11

To reduce mortality from mass shootings, military weapons should be left to the military. State bans on large capacity magazines have been associated with fewer and less lethal mass shootings.12

Many more groups and institutions should be actively involved in reducing the harms caused by firearm violence. These groups include medical providers and the media, insurers, and standards writing organizations, unions and universities, foundations and the faith community.13

There are many ways to reduce violent, suicidal, and unsafe behaviours that don’t involve changing our firearm system, including improvements to mental health, educational, and criminal justice systems. Political leaders should ensure that policies enhance community social capital—improving parenting, and reducing discrimination, bullying, and alcohol misuse for example. We could and should do these and myriad other things to make our society better—even if we did not have a gun violence problem. But by far the most effective, and cost-effective, way to reduce harm related to firearms is to improve the current firearm system.

Every part of this system can do more: including gun manufacturers, retailers (use best practices to prevent straw purchasing—the buying of guns for illegal possessors), and owners (store guns safely to prevent theft and unauthorized use).

More comprehensive background checks would help prevent the legal acquisition of firearms by people at risk of harming themselves or others. Licensing of gun owners and the registration of handguns would help encourage responsible gun ownership. Strict liability laws could provide financial incentives for all parts of the firearm system to reduce socially detrimental use of firearms.

Government needs to establish better data systems, fund research, help write standards, and pass reasonable gun laws. Current special provisions that protect the gun industry must be eliminated.14 Most important is the creation of an agency for firearms analogous to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration which mandated safety measures in cars such as airbags, seatbelts, and collapsible steering columns. The new gun agency’s sole mission would be to help reduce harms caused by firearms. The current system empowers people whose business mission is to sell more guns. It should instead empower prevention experts whose paid goal is to keep us safe from being shot.

The Onion, America’s satirical news outlet, often publishes its most iconic headline after mass shootings: “’No Way to Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.” The experience of every other high-income country in the world shows that there are plenty of ways for the US to prevent most gun deaths—and they all involve getting better control over guns.

I have a better idea, since democrats commit well over 90% of all violent crimes, how about we take guns away from democrats ???
And have the NICS database linked to the voter registration rolls, if you're a democrat, your gun purchase gets denied.
I have a better idea, since democrats commit well over 90% of all violent crimes, how about we take guns away from democrats ???
And have the NICS database linked to the voter registration rolls, if you're a democrat, your gun purchase gets denied.
While we are at it:

Castrate them - to prevent rapes.

Take away their drivers license - to prevent DUI and car accidents that kill more people than guns.
People, like this author, ignore every crime stat that goes against their totalitarian arguments.
Violent crime, regardless weapon, is far higher in the UK than in the US.
The cities, in the US with the strictest gun laws have the highest homicide rates 5 cities account for the vast majority of homicides. (also correlates with counties that voted for Biden, Clinton, Obama.....) Homicide rates in counties that voted democrat in 5 to 6 times higher than counties that votes republican. Another stat they avoid is this. Unarmed women are 10 times more likely to be raped than women armed with a gun or knife. Both are illegal in the UK, NY. Boston bans carrying any knife with a blade longer than 1" and denies permits for everyone but a very limited class of special people. (Does MA still require a firearms carry permit for pepper spray?)
Guns are already designed to not go off when dropped...and we need better training (including in schools), not some stupid massification of guns (10 lb trigger, safeties etc) that makes them harder to shoot and--in my opinion--less safe. I have found that if someone THINKS a gun is unloaded they are incredibly unsafe with it, but if it's loaded they are (usually) less unsafe. The only person I personally know that shot themself did it with an "unloaded" gun.

Also, anyone that thinks "smart guns" can't be bypassed has a fundamental lack of understanding when it comes to anything mechanical/mechatronic. There will be online tutorials and (probably) kits to bypass that idiotic techno-crap within a few months of any sort of smart gun mandate. A form of microstamping was tried in several states and was not used to solve a single crime. Some may remember the little bag with a fired case that used to come with new guns...that was what that was for. You may notice new guns dont come with that, cause it was proven not to work. Also, it would be trivial to remove any "microstamp" features from a gun or simply to replace the parts with that feature on them.

And lastly, I really, REALLY don't want to see what ineffective abomination the .gov would come up with that replaces a handgun. Would the police and military give up their guns then? I bet you not.

First, we must make safer guns. For example, ensure that guns that cannot go off inadvertently or when they are dropped.7 Guns should be made childproof—currently 2 to 4 year olds have relatively high rates of accidental gun death, and they typically shoot themselves.8 Semi automatic handguns should not fire if the magazine is removed—the most common cause of accidental gun death in children is believing a gun is unloaded when it can still fire a bullet.8

To reduce crime, it should be much more difficult to obliterate a gun’s serial number—currently, many recovered guns are untraceable; all guns should be capable of ballistic fingerprinting to help identify from a spent bullet the precise firearm used—it should also be possible to determine who originally bought a particular gun, along with the last legal owner (through gun registration); and guns should be difficult for unauthorized persons to use. Among other benefits, smart guns would decrease gun theft. Over 300 000 guns a year are stolen in the US, according to national estimates.9

The US government should undertake research and development to advance both microstamping and smart gun technology.10 The government should also conduct research on better alternatives for self defence than handguns, which are relatively ineffective without considerable training, and pose a substantial health threat to family members from suicide, accidents, and interpersonal violence.11
I have a better idea, since democrats commit well over 90% of all violent crimes, how about we take guns away from democrats ???
And have the NICS database linked to the voter registration rolls, if you're a democrat, your gun purchase gets denied.
my anti-gun friends ask me why I carry firearms, and I tell them I do to protect myself and my family against criminals and Democrats. That shuts them up.

From a notorious anti-gun academic at the Harvard gun violence research center...we can still have our guns - if we essentially give up the 2ndA at its core and let the Government protect us. But who will protect us from the Government?


The US will probably always have lots of guns, so we need to learn to live with them. Currently, we are dying from them. We are also causing many deaths in neighbouring nations, as US guns are readily available to criminals in Mexico, Jamaica, and Canada.

Compared to other high income countries, the US is average in terms of (non-gun) crime and violence.1 But we have many more private guns per capita, particularly handguns and military grade firearms. We also have the weakest gun laws.23 In 2015, the US death rate from firearms was over 11 times higher than that of other high income countries.4 It has increased by 20% since then. In 2020, more than 120 American civilians per day were killed by guns.

How can the US learn to live more safely with guns? The key is to have a national plan. Current policy discussions are fragmented, considering only isolated measures, one-at-a time. We need a vision.5 Perhaps it could come from a national non-partisan commission of independent experts that agree on a goal (for example, access to guns for home defence combined with low rates of firearm crime, homicide, suicide and accidents) and provide a blueprint for achieving and maintaining that outcome.

Here are some items that the blueprint might contain.6

First, we must make safer guns. For example, ensure that guns that cannot go off inadvertently or when they are dropped.7 Guns should be made childproof—currently 2 to 4 year olds have relatively high rates of accidental gun death, and they typically shoot themselves.8 Semi automatic handguns should not fire if the magazine is removed—the most common cause of accidental gun death in children is believing a gun is unloaded when it can still fire a bullet.8

To reduce crime, it should be much more difficult to obliterate a gun’s serial number—currently, many recovered guns are untraceable; all guns should be capable of ballistic fingerprinting to help identify from a spent bullet the precise firearm used—it should also be possible to determine who originally bought a particular gun, along with the last legal owner (through gun registration); and guns should be difficult for unauthorized persons to use. Among other benefits, smart guns would decrease gun theft. Over 300 000 guns a year are stolen in the US, according to national estimates.9

The US government should undertake research and development to advance both microstamping and smart gun technology.10 The government should also conduct research on better alternatives for self defence than handguns, which are relatively ineffective without considerable training, and pose a substantial health threat to family members from suicide, accidents, and interpersonal violence.11

To reduce mortality from mass shootings, military weapons should be left to the military. State bans on large capacity magazines have been associated with fewer and less lethal mass shootings.12

Many more groups and institutions should be actively involved in reducing the harms caused by firearm violence. These groups include medical providers and the media, insurers, and standards writing organizations, unions and universities, foundations and the faith community.13

There are many ways to reduce violent, suicidal, and unsafe behaviours that don’t involve changing our firearm system, including improvements to mental health, educational, and criminal justice systems. Political leaders should ensure that policies enhance community social capital—improving parenting, and reducing discrimination, bullying, and alcohol misuse for example. We could and should do these and myriad other things to make our society better—even if we did not have a gun violence problem. But by far the most effective, and cost-effective, way to reduce harm related to firearms is to improve the current firearm system.

Every part of this system can do more: including gun manufacturers, retailers (use best practices to prevent straw purchasing—the buying of guns for illegal possessors), and owners (store guns safely to prevent theft and unauthorized use).

More comprehensive background checks would help prevent the legal acquisition of firearms by people at risk of harming themselves or others. Licensing of gun owners and the registration of handguns would help encourage responsible gun ownership. Strict liability laws could provide financial incentives for all parts of the firearm system to reduce socially detrimental use of firearms.

Government needs to establish better data systems, fund research, help write standards, and pass reasonable gun laws. Current special provisions that protect the gun industry must be eliminated.14 Most important is the creation of an agency for firearms analogous to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration which mandated safety measures in cars such as airbags, seatbelts, and collapsible steering columns. The new gun agency’s sole mission would be to help reduce harms caused by firearms. The current system empowers people whose business mission is to sell more guns. It should instead empower prevention experts whose paid goal is to keep us safe from being shot.

The Onion, America’s satirical news outlet, often publishes its most iconic headline after mass shootings: “’No Way to Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.” The experience of every other high-income country in the world shows that there are plenty of ways for the US to prevent most gun deaths—and they all involve getting better control over guns.

Nothing about criminal control. Must have been an over-sight.
The majority of these are funding schemes. Another way to have the gubmint bankroll your entire life. We need this study so we can all just take in the cash and do barely any work. The government is the best boss since it only asks for obedience in return for a big check.
Ten years ago, or even more, if they ENFORCED the f***in laws that were on the books then, we wouldnt have these problems today......

I agree if you're talking laws WRT murder, assault, or attempted murder etc. Most violent killings in this country are carried out by repeat
offenders who are often let off the hook way too easily the first 28 times.

I don't agree if you're talking gun laws. Enforcing old gun laws wont change a f***ing thing. and they're nearly all unconstitutional to begin
with. And not a single one of them ever "prevented" a real crime. (AKA actual theft or where unwarranted unsolicited physical harm was brought to another person or property)
I agree if you're talking laws WRT murder, assault, or attempted murder etc. Most violent killings in this country are carried out by repeat
offenders who are often let off the hook way too easily the first 28 times.

I don't agree if you're talking gun laws. Enforcing old gun laws wont change a f***ing thing. and they're nearly all unconstitutional to begin
with. And not a single one of them ever "prevented" a real crime. (AKA actual theft or where unwarranted unsolicited physical harm was brought to another person or property)
Theres a cure for repeat offenders.
Looks something like this

View attachment 626750

View attachment 626753
I’ve never used one of these new ones but I swear to God the old one I used went to a airline
… One time it didn’t work. I semi panicked.. Guy next to me a shot thing with a real gun.

If something’s affective 9999 times out of 10,000 is pretty effective. I wish I could say the same for the government.
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