How do you store your brass?


I would like to expand this a bit, I have a system for the brass. Plastic dry boxes from Cabelas work great. Stack nice and are at about max capacity of wt when full. Can't say how many I have full of brass. To me to more valuable question is how about storage of loaded rounds, in bulk. I have gotten to the point that I can load 3k-4k of each caliber before I break down press for next caliber. I store in bulk but have to use metal ammo cans due to really heavy weight. Do cleaned loaded rounds ready to store need any kind of spray protectant? I have thought about a shot of Baricaide (sp) or One Shot. very lightly before I clamp the lid shut. Rambling more, I think the subject of stability has already been addressed. In that a loaded round is more stable for ewach of its components than in their seperate conditions before assembly. Right?[thinking]
I use a variety of zip lock bags, from the small to the large. I put the dirty brass into a big bag until I tumble it. Then I separate out the brass by caliber and bag it in 50 round increments. When I find some time (watching TV, etc), I prime the brass that needs it. I also keep my bullets in bags in 50 round increments. I prefer using the smallest bags that will fit things, as it tends to take less space.

I then have a lockable plastic box with drawers, where I keep things sorted - bullets and primers in the bottom draw, brass split between the top two drawers, and powders and other AMMUNITION stuff in a bigger space in the top. Then I can lock the whole thing up and have complied with the FIRE regulations. This plastic box was a huge improvement over my former locking tool box and small locking pistol box, which used to house everything.

Good luck.
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