holster printing (cant hide it)

I'd be very interested in that. I just bought an ankle rig and a belt holster by DeSantis...so far I'm happy with them, but I'd definitely like to see what else is available.
IM in the same boat... the only comfortable place i can carry is at about 4-5 o'clock but some times i feel the grip pokes out and its not in the most ideal location for me to take it out quickly if need be.
both holsters,the grip points out.mabey doesent go iwb deep enough?

probably. I have the mtac for both my m&p40 fullsize and sig229. I had problems with the sig butt printing too much so i adjusted the cant and dropped it down, now only a little more than half of the handle is above the belt line. It disappears under a t shirt. I would strongly recomment checking the mtac out.
probably. I have the mtac for both my m&p40 fullsize and sig229. I had problems with the sig butt printing too much so i adjusted the cant and dropped it down, now only a little more than half of the handle is above the belt line. It disappears under a t shirt. I would strongly recomment checking the mtac out.

I agree 100%.

Check out this thread, there are some good pics and suggestions.

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