Dan, I appreciate your designing and setting up the stage, but will still bust on it on here since my knees seem to still be bothering me from that.
And I do have aTec 9, and Steve's dad does have a bunch of race cars, and well, I'd like to go on a bunch of Driveby shootings with him. Honestly. I think we should take back the streets from the gangs with overwhelming firepower. this MS13 nonsense that is going on needs to be stopped with extreme prejudice. Of course, opening the borders and giving sanctuary is going to only increase the threat of that gang, and others from central america.
So i believe that we need more drive by stages.
And I agree with the Beta C mag idea.
And if those fools think IPSC will get us killed, I only can think that yeah, it will, if we go back to pick up our brass and we accidently left a few of them alive.
So lets mandate 3 on each target next time
It's the only way to be sure.
As for Harvard, that was a huge match, you guys might consider going to 6 stages a match so you've got smaller, faster squads.
that would be way cool, almost like shooting an area match once a month.
You guys do a great job every month, I consider the 2nd sunday the most important one every month
And by the way, if you're going to take up designing stages after drinking too much, you're going to have to start paying me royalties.