Hartford, VT Gun Show 25/26 Feb

May 5, 2005
Vermont, a Free State
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February 25 & 26
Lake Morey Gun Show,
Kelton Complex, Rte 14, Hartford, VT

On VT Route 14 just northwest of White River Junction, VT. At the Auto Auction, used to be the Kelton Complex, right side of the road if headed north.

9 to 5 Sat, 9 to 3 Sunday.

I'll be there selling ammo with Marlyn and Ira. I will be wearing a NortheastShooters sweat shirt or a DeadHorse MC sweat shirt.
I'll be up in Montpelier and Burlington looking for a place to live. Should be heading back to PRoM and will swing by if not 'occupied' with the GF.
Gotta love gunshows. Hope to see you there.
It's a somewhat small show, usually a moderate mix, but yes, mostly rifles and shotguns. VT shows are mostly attended by hunters. That being said, DiPrete has a show going on in West Leb, NH that same weekend, just a few miles away. Many folks make it to both.

I'll be there, selling ammo.
Saw one member there (didn't catch his name). Also saw more M1 Garands, M1 Carbines, 1903/03A3 Springfields and 1917 Enfields than at any other VT gun show. Most were overpriced. I didn't buy much, and that's a welcome change. Just picked up a few books, and the wife bought some Marinade/BBQ Sauce and a few doo-dads. Weather was HORRIBLE Sat evening/Sun morning. Took about 2 1/2 hours to get near home. Usually takes 1 1/2 hours. Took over 2 hours to get there Sun AM. Lots of snow still on the road.
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