"I was at the club sunday afternoon and didnt see the signup sheet. Was there one down at the 100yd range?"
Although there has been some talk and even a few generic flyers, it really wasn't until this week that we've put the word out (we were waiting to confirm the dates), You should start to see much more "official stuff" popping up now that the date is set.
As well this thread has kinda gotten ahead of itself, I'll do my best to answer any questions, but really right now and for the next few weeks, my #1 priority is confirming "shooters" who want to be on the mailing list, are on the list. Second to that is getting additional volunteers.
Hopefully I can answer a lot of questions below:
I am a shooter, I don't care about club politics, but when there was no shoot last year I felt I needed to step in and at least give it a shot this year. I consider those who have run it in the past to be friends (like anything in life we agree on somethings & disagree on others), and understand the work that goes into running a shoot. I'm not doing this show up anyone or any other club, simply to bring back the shoot.
As far as admission goes, I appologize for speaking too soon when it was $6 not $5, but yes I assume like every year prior we will be making a sizable charitable donation. All of which are relatively minor details that have plenty of time to be worked out.
It is very unussual for clubs to provide ammo to the shooters at Machinegun shoots, I've been to one that did and it was more of an MG demonstration than a shoot. If you have never been to the Hanson Shoot, it is "real" Machinegun Shoot, like Knob Creek, the old North Country or HMHS shoots (on a smaller scale), none of which provide ammo, ammo is a rediculous cost to expect the club to pick up. With Miniguns running 4000+/-RPM and we had two at the last Hanson shoot, the club would go broke giving away .308 ammo for those alone...and those who have been as spectators can tell you there is ussually a line 1/2 hour long of people willing and happy to pay "MG owners to recoup the cost of their weapons at the expense of people who are fascinated with MG's"
And it is due to the fact that this is a "real" machinegun shoot, that really causes it to need a 3 day weekend. I understand that potential volunteers might go away that weekend, but we are a place to go. We have many people from many other states that come, and one of the biggest complaints I have heard in the past is it's hard to justify the 12 hour drive just for a one day shoot, can't we make it a two day thing...So this year we did...if it doesn't work as well as we hope, we can always go back to one day next year, but at least we will have tried...