Gun handling

Dec 30, 2005
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I dont spend much time around other people who handle guns unfortunately, and I was under the assumption I should wear gloves whenever I touch a gun (especially blued) as the oils/acids on the skin damage the gun. Is that extreme? Should I just whipe the gun down with a dry towel when I am done, or an oiled towel?
You're worrying way too much.

If it is truly a blued finish (not a black phosphate, but a blued finish, which is relatively rare these days), then I do wipe it down when I'm done. A dry towel is fine. A little oil is better.

No, there is no need to wear gloves unless you are handling a highly valuable collector's item.
That is good news! I am tired of feeling I am prepping to do surgery when I handle my guns. Thank you!
You do want to periodically oil your guns. A couple drops of oil spread around on the finish is about all you need if you keep your guns in a dry place.
The fact of the matter is that whatever might be on the surface of the gloves could be just as harmful as whatever is on the surface of your fingers.

I have a lot of blued guns. They are surface oiled when put in the safe. When taken out, they are wiped with a dry cloth, handled with bare hands and then, after being cleaned (if fired), wiped down with a lightly oiled cloth before going back in the safe.
If you're real worried about rust or corrosion, use Eezox or CorrosionX. There's also Renaissance wax.
Museums use that wax on firearms.
I'd suggesting getting a Kleen Bore silicon cloth,you can pick em up at Wal Mart for about $3 even,and just wiping them down after they've been handled.
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