Gun control proposals separated into 4 bills, suggesting Democratic strategy.

Jun 9, 2008
Virginia Beach, VA
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Gun Control Proposals Separated Into Four Bills, Suggesting Democratic Strategy

* Proposals broken into four bills to improve odds for some

* Strategy suggests ban on assault weapons unlikely to pass

* Senate committee to vote as early as Thursday

By Thomas Ferraro

WASHINGTON, Feb 26 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's fellow Democrats in the U.S. Senate have spread his gun-control proposals across four bills in an effort to get at least some of the less controversial measures - such as expanded background checks for gun buyers - passed into law.

The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote as early as Thursday on the bills, which together amount to an acknowledgement by Democrats that a ban on military-style "assault" weapons is unlikely to clear Congress.
I take it as a sign that there isn't much momentum in the Senate for any sort of AWB, magazine restriction, or other substantive action. They think that a background check MIGHT get through the House, but they know that nothing else will. Also, there is a lot of speculation that nothing will be done on anything until there is some movement on resolving budget issues and sequestration.
They want to bleed us to death. If they can't do it all at once they will do it slowly and methodically. Death by 1000 cuts is still death.
I take it as a sign that there isn't much momentum in the Senate for any sort of AWB, magazine restriction, or other substantive action. They think that a background check MIGHT get through the House, but they know that nothing else will. Also, there is a lot of speculation that nothing will be done on anything until there is some movement on resolving budget issues and sequestration.

Harry Reid said he wasn't going to let anything pass in the Senate if it has no chance in the House. And anything with the word "ban" in it has no chance in the House.
And the answer sucks here in mAss.

This is why I've been advocating for pushing the boycott, and coming down hard on your "fellow gun owners" - who are going around saying stupid stuff like "nobody needs an assault weapon".

It's why the Westford thing was so important. Because it showed that there are a lot of gun people in MA, and it gave the anti's something to think about.
The real question is - what happens in the states.

that is the question and as we have seen so far from NY and CA, the states that want the Federal Gun Control will go beyond full retard if it gets shot down.

You are correct we need this boycott and we need the major gun and ammo manufacturers to join in. I did read that Berretta is threatening to leave Maryland but thats it out of the majors
Let's hooe so but don't bet the farm on it.

Looks like they're separating the bills so they can get something thru.

My bet is that some sort of enhanced background checks is a definite pass. They've been trying to blame this whole thing on "assault weapons" - while the pro-gun side has been saying it's mental problems and criminal behavior. So more background checks seems like something that is almost written in stone as going thru.

Plus that's the main thing the article mentions as something they want.

The only other thing it mentions is that an assault weapons ban is unlikely to pass.

They don't even really say what the four bills are. So - reading between the lines - it looks like "enhanced background checks" is a definite pass. An "assault weapons" ban is a definite no pass - and whatever the other two are - we don't even know yet.

I'm sure they'll try to sneak something in - like a mag capacity ban. The whole mag capacity thing has been a MAJOR talking point of the leftie gun banners - and the fudds, and just about every other ignorant individual I have come across since February.

I bet that one is in there - and it's going to be tough one to fight.
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