Got this in an E-mail


NES Member
Feb 28, 2005
Western MA
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Thought I would share.

I'm Tired

Two weeks ago, as I was starting my sixth month of duty in Iraq , I was
forced to return to the USA for surgery for an injury I sustained prior to
my deployment. With luck, I'll return to Iraq to finish my tour.

I left Baghdad and a war that has every indication that we are winning, to
return to a demoralized country much like the one I returned to in 1971
after my tour in Vietnam . Maybe it's because I'll turn 60 years old in just
four months, but I'm tired:

I'm tired of spineless politicians, both Democrat and Republican who lack
the courage, fortitude, and character to see these difficult tasks through.

I'm tired of the hypocrisy of politicians who want to rewrite history when
the going gets tough.

I'm tired of the disingenuous clamor from those that claim they 'Support the
Troops' by wanting them to 'Cut and Run' before victory is achieved.

I'm tired of a mainstream media that can only focus on car bombs and
casualty reports because they are too afraid to leave the safety of their
hotels to report on the courage and success our brave men and women are
having on the battlefield.

I'm tired that so many Americans think you can rebuild a dictatorship into a
democracy over night.

I'm tired that so many ignore the bravery of the Iraqi people to go to the
voting booth and freely elect a Constitution and soon a permanent

I'm tired of the so called 'Elite Left' that prolongs this war by giving aid
and comfort to our enemy, just as they did during the Vietnam War.

I'm tired of antiwar protesters showing up at the funerals of our fallen
soldiers. A family who's loved ones gave their life in a just and noble
cause, only to be cruelly tormented on the funeral day by cowardly
protesters is beyond shameful.

I'm tired that my generation, the Baby Boom -- Vietnam generation, who have
such a weak backbone that they can't stomach seeing the difficult tasks
through to victory.

I'm tired that some are more concerned about the treatment of captives than
they are the slaughter and beheading of our citizens and allies.

I'm tired that when we find mass graves it is seldom reported by the press,
but mistreat a prisoner and it is front page news.

Mostly, I'm tired that the people of this great nation didn't learn from
history that there is no substitute for Victory.

Joe Repya,
Lieutenant Colonel , U. S. Army
& nbsp;101st Airborne Division
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