Glock sales question???

Apr 15, 2006
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I have seen too many and read too many different variations, so someone please help me out. I keep reading post with glocks for sale in Massachusetts and in the description read that they are an LEO purchase and/or manufactured after 98. As far as I knew and have been told, if either is the case, you can not legally re-sell them unless it is to another LEO individual or a department. I would hate to see someone or several people get jammed up because they are not sure or dont care, but I would also like to know the facts straight up!! Also, if anyone reads this and is thinking about buying one of these from someone, do your research first. I saw a G27 that claimed to be mfg. in 2005 and it was a LEO purchase, but brand new and it was selling for $900. I can get a brand new LEO G27 from interstate arms for $394 so something isnt right here. But please let me know if I am missing something because I will gladly buy a bunch for $400 each and re-sell them for $900 if I can!!!......................................Dont worry, thats a joke, I know theres no loophole like that.
I think it's simple really. Any LTC Class A (class A for high cap guns) MA resident can PURCHASE any Glocks, including ones made AFTER 1998. However the AG is "restricting" dealers from reselling them under the guise of consumer safety. So a person to person sale is completely legal. Now... a LEO can sell his/her post 98 Glock to a citizen... but it would be very unwise for them to buy it to just make a quick sale and profit. Yes, I too have heard LEO get good discounts so the mark ups you see make me sick. But it's all about supply and demand....
I typed a very long reply to this, hit the wrong mouse button and it went to the bit-bucket in the sky. No patience to retype it from memory, so here's the short version.

- Your premise is totally wrong.

- We have covered it here before, use Advanced Search in the Gun Laws forum and you'll find the info and even the Glock factory LE discount deal form with the legal info answering why you can't legally just buy a bunch and resell for a killing.

- MGLs allow only up to 4 gun sales/year privately, more than that is trafficking without a MA Dealers License. BATFE also gets very interested in traffickers of guns without an FFL. Doing differently could put you on the very unpleasant side of the gray-bar hotel!

- Glock give LEOs a deep discount on retail (~$150) and limits it to a max of 2 guns/year, for Duty or "off duty" use only, but NOT for resale. Selling them years later is not a problem, but buying for resale would be perjury on the form and I'll leave it to our resident attorneys to discuss what the likely penalties could be as IANAL.

- MGLs ONLY restricts what a MA Dealer can sell, not what private gun owners can sell to another private LTC holder. LE guns are fully transferable to non LE, Glocks can only be sold privately unless they were mfr'd prior to 10/21/98.

- Newly (post 9/13/94) made hi-cap mags have a restriction in MA (LE only) due to our permanent ban, but swapping them out for lo-cap mags to sell the gun privately is done all the time.

- Don't take my word on the above, since you are LE, check directly with the "source" Ron Glidden to verify what I stated. Ron is my source for this info. He's also covered this (for the nth time) for the LEOs that attend his LE Firearms Law Training seminars recently.

- Do the Advanced Search thing here. I've even posted the specific MGL sections in the past.
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