Glock 19: The Preferred Weapon Of Deranged Madmen

a 9 mm Glock 19 semi-automatic handgun, which is the preferred weapon of deranged madmen

if i recall, i saw that exact phrase on a Glock add not too long ago.......i thought it was one of their main selling points.

We banned these murderous accessories once before; we must do so again.
we also banned alcohol consumption and women and blacks from voting....should we ban those again too.....
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He really knows what he is talking about, afterall no cops carry G19s.

There is going to be a strong push to ban hi-caps, I hope it doesn't pass, but all the people that think there is ZERO chance are way to optimistic IMO.

They can KMA as well

How long until some Massachusetts hack stands up and says," See we don't allow those scary, deranged guns in our state!"
Glock should sue them. Could you imagine how a car manufacturer would react to CNN saying their model car was the car of choice for deranged madmen?
Well he could have used a G26, G17, or even a G18 if he could find one. Since they will all take the "EVIL" 33 round mag. I am sure the only reason this was his weapon of choice was because of the ability to use the high capacity feeding device. Although it is a little tough to carry with the broom stick sticking out of the end.
Just another example of a politician who doesn't have the slightest clue on the subject he's commenting about. They ban new high capacity magazines this will stop deranged madmen from their goal how? he can now go to any numerous sights or boards and pay an inflated price for a ' pre-ban ' and do what he intended anyway

So the only thing you accomplished is he had to pay a premium but these out-of-touch politicians need to feel like they accomplished something so their constituents will re-elect them. It's like gym class in jr. high one kid messes up and we all now have to suffer for his mistake it was wrong then and it's still wrong now.
Just another example of a politician who doesn't have the slightest clue on the subject he's commenting about. They ban new high capacity magazines this will stop deranged madmen from their goal how? he can now go to any numerous sights or boards and pay an inflated price for a ' pre-ban ' and do what he intended anyway

Rumor is they are going to put a "no transfer" clause in this time, like NY has now.
Rumor is they are going to put a "no transfer" clause in this time, like NY has now.

Cause no one would EVER transfer something like that anyway, I mean how could you? All those pesky serial numbers on the maga...... All those records of who bought the high capac....... The door to door checks of what king of magazines people..... Well, anyway, my Glock 19 has never turned me into a deranged madman. It tells me so, right before it gives me the list of random small furry things that I have to go use it on (mostly to hit them with the butt of the gun of course since I don't have any hi cap mags). Admittedly my Beretta tried to corrupt me once, but mostly cause he wanted friends.
The scary thing is that the populace in general will jump all over this like Rosie O'Donnel on a donut.

I was talking to a buddy of mine on Friday. He is not a gun guy but he knows that I am, and he asks me " Who needs a gun like that and why can anyone buy a gun like that?" This same guy nearly beat someone to death over a parking space one time , but he thinks high caps are dangerous.[thinking]

I told him that there are lots of these magazines out there and 99.99% of them have never been used by a whack job for evil purposes.

It's like banning cars because one person used one to run someone over. He totally did not get it.
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WTF, hyperbole much? What a d-bag.

I just bought a G19, it hasn't killed even one person yet [grin]. But I guess I should go have a talk with it to make sure it knows right from wrong...

Edit: just so there's no confusion, the d-bag is the senator.
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Yeah, it's the preferred weapon of deranged madmen, that's why the NYPD (and probably a dozen or three more police departments) carry them. [thinking]

Lautenberg is a brady fume breathing, anti gun, freedom hating douchebag, that's all there really is to it.

There is going to be a strong push to ban hi-caps, I hope it doesn't pass, but all the people that think there is ZERO chance are way to optimistic IMO.

No optimism required- realism is more the term of the day, and a gun control bill (of any kind) seeing a light of day in the house or senate right now, is politically unrealistic.

The handful or so of antis (like Lautenberg) that constantly bray and whine about this crap, have become politically marginalized over the years. We saw this same kind of whining in the wake of VT, although it was more over mental health qualifiers being attached to gun purchases, or some other BS. (They couldn't whine about so called "hi caps" because the psycho that shot up VT used mostly 10 round magazines to do it with, too, something the antis also don't like talking about- basically VT is living proof that capacity restrictions don't stop psychos from committing violent crimes with firearms. )

So, let's do the math for the good senator:
G19 = how many deaths? Add 'em all up, murder, self defense, police shoots - lump every last one of them in there...

Let's assume that every last killing in the US was accomplished with a G19. Absurd, of course, but for the sake of argument, let's do that... Assume every single homicide in the US was accomplished with a G19...

Here's some data from 2006 for example to help: said:
In the U.S. for 2006, there were 30,896 deaths from firearms, distributed as follows by mode of death: Suicide 16,883; Homicide 12,791; Accident 642; Legal Intervention 360; Undetermined 220.

So, again under the utterly preposterous assumption that every last homicide was committed with a G19 since its introduction in the 1984-1985 time-frame we could have something close to 350K deaths... That includes, BTW, lives saved, rapes stopped and criminals apprehended. Yes that's right, guns save lives too!

NOW, let's look at another cause of death. GOVERNMENT. Specifically gun-banning, centralized, socailist governments...
China = 65M
Germany = 20M
Soviet Union = 20M
Cambodia = 2M
North Korea = 2M
Africa = 1.75M (various)
Afghanistan = 1.5M
Vietnam = 1M
Eastern Europe = 1M
South America = 150K

So, we have 114M+ human beings killed by strong, centralized, socialist, gun-banning governments...

If we need to ban anything, it is the murderous policies that led to these deaths - oh wait, they are already banned by the Constitution. Lautenburg can go peddle his mass-murder politics elsewhere... I'm not buying...
Thank god it wasn't a Sig! I would hate to think they would try to ban them. Glocks. Yes. You can ban them but leave my Sigs alone![laugh]
Damn...I have to send my Glock to the factory to get it fixed. It must be brokes...I've had it for a year now, and haven't gone on a shooting spree. Can a regular Gunsmith fix this, or is it a job for the factory?
My G19 hasn't killed anyone else either, nor have my other Glocks. But, I am suspicious that they are conspiring with each other... they keep looking at me funny. So, I store each of them with a trigger lock, and a cable lock through the receiver, then inside their locked case, and those cases all in my large gun safe - and the mags at the other end of the house, also locked. It makes me feel good knowing I'm doing something for the children.
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