Globe article

So who here is commenter Historyisjustthat? Calm, rational, and reasoned. Wait, that couldn't be someone here.
Some years ago Jeff Jacoby wrote a column about the cruelty of catch-and-release fishing. As one who practices that, I responded to him, and we began a conversation that has lasted for a long time on many topics, ranging from fishing to paying college expenses. About a month ago he wrote a column on the restriction zones around clinics that provide abortions. Here is my response to him:

"As a Libertarian, I can't argue with your logic, though I still believe that government has no business involving itself in the intensely personal decisions of women (and men) regarding their own bodies. I look forward to your similar distaste for the ongoing egregious infringements on our Second Amendment rights here in Massachusetts."

I therefore take full credit for his latest column. (or not)
Some years ago Jeff Jacoby wrote a column about the cruelty of catch-and-release fishing. As one who practices that, I responded to him, and we began a conversation that has lasted for a long time on many topics, ranging from fishing to paying college expenses. About a month ago he wrote a column on the restriction zones around clinics that provide abortions. Here is my response to him:

"As a Libertarian, I can't argue with your logic, though I still believe that government has no business involving itself in the intensely personal decisions of women (and men) regarding their own bodies. I look forward to your similar distaste for the ongoing egregious infringements on our Second Amendment rights here in Massachusetts."

I therefore take full credit for his latest column. (or not)

The day that column was published was the last day I paid to read a Boston Globe.
Me too, Frank. Jeff sends me his columns via email now. BTW, I invited him to go fishing with me on the Quabbin; he said he wanted to, but it never happened.
I've never understood why Jeff Jacoby would stay with the globe. That POS rag doesn't deserve Jeff. Remember that bullsh!t suspension the nut liberal editor gave him? How he could deal with those a-holes is beyond me.
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