Germany - Homeowner Shoots, Kills Teen Intruder

Jul 30, 2009
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A millionaire German pensioner has shot and killed one of five masked intruders at his home in Lower Saxony.

The 77-year-old opened fire on the group as they raided his home in the town of Sittensen on Monday evening.

Police are awaiting confirmation, but believe the victim was a 16-year-old boy of Albanian descent.

The attack occurred at around 10pm when the man, named locally as Ernst, went to check on his dog in his garden.

He was then approached by the group who forced him back into his home.....

A little international flavor...
The 77-year-old opened fire on the group as they raided his home in the town of Sittensen on Monday evening.

Police are awaiting confirmation, but believe the victim was a 16-year-old boy of Albanian descent

Yup the raider is the victim, can see how this one will go already.
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