George Zimmerman to sue Trayvon Martin's family for 100 million dollars.

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Jul 7, 2017
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Hello folks! Not sure if this has been posted already but its been blowing up my news feed. Figured it'd be the very topic folks here would discuss lol. If it's been posted already, please lmk.

George Zimmerman sues Trayvon Martin's family and prosecutors for 100 million dollars.


Personally, Good for him. Good for George Zimmerman. This man has been crucified in the media and by Trayvon's family as a racist (without reason), as a monster (without reason) even after the man was found innocent in a court of law. A man who obviously defended himself against a violent and attacking individual who seeked to kill him. I'm not sure how much damages were caused, and who he'd get them from. But I do think his plan to sue for deformation and libel is 100 percent sound and just.

What's everyone's thoughts on this? I just hate that we live in a society where Zimmerman is considered "racist" because god forbid he shoot someone who is actively trying to kill him. Judge made a good decision then, and I hope he makes one now and rewards this man money for the damages to both his name sake and his career endeavors.

Hope everyone has a blessed holidays.

Thank you. Can someone please delete this one? For some reason it won't let me.
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