gas masks...anyone know anything about them??

True story.
A friend of mine was a sergeant in the Air Force back in the 80's.
They was a guy there who was a real dick that nobody liked.
My friend took a dead minnow, stuck it in the filter of this guys gas mask, then put it back in the box with the protective covers installed. A few months later when they did a poison gas drill, this guy put on his gas mask, took one breath and proceeded to blow chunks.


Too funny
gas gas gas

One of the funniest things I ever saw was when the gassed us in Boot Camp. They brought us to a range and assembled us in a open ranks Company formation. We were standing at attention, eyes forward when I heard, POP,POP,POP! The Drill Sergeants came running down the ranks throwing tear gas grenades and running around with grenades taped to long poles, shoving them in our faces. I clamped my M-16 between my knees, placed my helmet on it and proceeded to don my mask. When I successfully cleared my mask and started breathing I looked around. There were about 1/2 the Company standing there with masks on but the ground was littered w/rifles and helmets. Many soldiers just dropped their stuff and ran into the woods. some knuckleheads actually slammed into trees trying to run away in terror. There were guys hugging trees and w/tears and snots running down their faces. The Drill Sergeants were going crazy, yelling at these idiots. It was hysterical. I was feeling pretty good about myself thou. What a scene.
Don't forget that even if you can find "good inserts" (not the training inserts that only work for CS gas), they do have a fairly short shelf life after they've been removed from their packaging. You need to know what they are effective for and store them appropriately.
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