Gardening workshops in central mass


NES Member
Feb 10, 2013
the brookfields
Feedback: 45 / 0 / 0
This will be at
Farmer Matt’s
860 west Brookfield rd
New Braintree MA
In our new ‘Diggers’ educational garden

We’ll have classes every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 10:30-? (I almost always run long) on a specific gardening topic, and then spend some time in the garden (weather permitting) doin what needs to be done so you'll know how to go home and do the same.
The tentative schedule is…..
5/8- We’ll be discussing garden siting, fencing styles, garden hand tool (& how to use em)
Preparing a garden bed and Planting early crops like peas, potatoes, parsnips, carrots
5/22- seed starting in/outside
Spacing, depth, h2o..
Transplanting tenders
6/12- herbs Essential for the garden
6/26-composting to feed your
garden. Trellising and
7/10- insect ID and organic control
7/24- odd ball edibles (my fav) & possibly a
Foragers walk
8/14- hot/cold frames, season
8/28-when to harvest, how to cure
& how to store your bounty
without electricity
9/11- saving veggie seed correctly
9/25- garlic/shallot planting and
Putting the garden to bed
And probably a seed swap
just for fun

Pricing will be $20 per individual class. If you pre pay in advance it’ll be $170 for all 10, or $90 for 5 classes.
You should save more than that not buying food at the grocery store.
My garden experience comes from growing up in my grampas garden as a kid.
I’ve managed and maintained the botanical collection for Old Sturbridge Village where I’ve also done some historic gardens design. I’ve done installation and maintenance for the American Chestnut foundations orchards.
Currently I’m on my 22 year running All Hill Farm where I specialize in oddball edible perennials.
Feel free to message me with any questions and please pass this info on to others who wanna learn to grow.
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**Food shortage bump**

These will be a great classes for new & intermediate gardners.
I’ll have free lovage plants for the first 5 moms (it’s Mother’s Day)
We’ll meet on 5/8 @ 10:30 to discuss garden siting, fencing styles & hand tools. We will prepare beds and plant peas, potatoes, carrots, parsnips.
There’ll be lots of time for Q&A..
I hope ya can make it
Next workshop is 5/22 @ 10:30
We’ll discuss and demonstrate hardening off & transplanting tenders like tomatoes (determinant and indeterminate) with trellis, egg plant, peppers, squashes, pole and bush beans and lots more.
I’ll have some heirloom bean or squash seeds to take home and you’ll know how to grow em.
I’m hope to see you there
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