few questions.

aight finally here's the pics. sorry for taking for ever i was caught up with my dogs health issues. plus my camera is f***ing broken! my sister left it outside on the porch in the down pour rain!

hopefully my camera phone helps. my room is a mess at the moment yes, but you can get general idea.


doorway. the wall on my right is like... right there. the door is right next to the bed.


left angle shot from door.


another left angle shot


thats the tower i have.


i was thinking maybe some where in between the tower and the desk. but bolted to the desk. but the drawers are in the way which is a bummer. i cant do the other side because i have server tower inside.

i dont mind changing my room around and such, and i hope my pics helps a bit. I do want a safe and i do want to make best out of this room.

thanks alot in advance

PS: keep in mind that window that's covered with blanket? that was the window that was broken into, now it's locked by the tabs. the other window i dont have to worry about it unless someone wants to carry a 10 foot ladder. anyways that window that was broken into, is right above the porch and it's very easy access, so i put up a new metal screen with lock on it, then installed new window locks which came with the window in the first place ahaha.
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Bolt it to something more secure then particle board that the desk is made out of, your closet makes a great place, find the beams in the wall and use expanding anchor bolts. After which buy a door for the closet. Out of sight is the way to go.

By the looks of it your on a second floor or higher. If any entry points to the window can be accessed, it is best that the safe be in the closet. Some one looking into the window if it came down to it will not see the safe. I would also get some blinds for that window too.

If your house have been broken into before, look into a security system. Glass and screens are not going to stop assh)les.. but a nice loud siren will make them run if they are smart!
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we've looked into ADT, my cousin has one at fort bragg. we cant really afford one atm due to our jobs. I was sure happy to acquire this hand gun because for some reason makes me feel safter, but the same time you never know if you can get hurt with your own firearm by an intruder. Thats why i always keep things separate but keep the handgun very close to me.

both doors have bolt latch on it now, all windows have the thumb locks on now. I have all of my rifles/shotguns locked with trigger or chamber locks. However this handgun is free under my mattress but one clip with 10 round hollow point is under the TV. I always thought physiologically, when the intruder sees me with a handgun, he'll run altho he doesn't know i have empty mag inside.

my bedroom hasnt been done yet, still needs trim work, new closet doors and new shades. but for now this is my living condition and i'm making best out of it as possible. I dont mind putting the safe in the closet but, it seems to be far from my bed and i want to be able to instantly reach for it and have easy accesses when i need it rather than running for it. Also, my mother forbids me bolting anything into the wall, i understand her point of view because of this old house and she wants to keep the value going up. I'm pretty much stuck here, rather bolt it to my desk some how or something. wait, by any chance those safes has any holes where i could put chains through? Because right here, i could lay it on top of the old heater, and wrap chain around it.... possible? here's a pic



what do you say? Good idea, but does the safe have any loop holes i could put some good size chain around it and put pad locks.
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HA! tell me about it. IDk why my cousin still wants to live in fayetteville after he finished the army (i sorta wanted him to go to Charlotte). he really likes it there but... he's white! but the funny thing is he's black inside. (no offense to any one). He married to a black girl and had a baby aswell. right now he's doing contract work for the DC doing intelligence work (classified) and he's over sea right now. :)

anyways would those safes have any holes by anychace? cuz it'd be great.... chain it down to the heatah! and not to mention, it'd be right next to me right there.
red neck :) and yes some girls dig my room, some are like gone after they enter.... but it's their loss because they miss out the goods :)

are there stores that could have those safe? I'd like to see it in person before buying. I doubt that nelson sporting goods will have it (15 mins away) or any stores like dicks or something,.
red neck :) and yes some girls dig my room, some are like gone after they enter.... but it's their loss because they miss out the goods :)

are there stores that could have those safe? I'd like to see it in person before buying. I doubt that nelson sporting goods will have it (15 mins away) or any stores like dicks or something,.

dicks has them in their Mass stores. i'm up for an upgrade, i'm running out of room.

don't forget your wally world and target may have keypad ones as well.

for me, right now i'm using a regular ass safe with a combo dial... hence, when i'm home it's open, when i'm NOT it's locked... works good for me with the two drawers and the bottom holds my spare mags and carry ammo.
setting up restrictions cant be done. it's against our amendments.... it'll be broken if it ever happens. it'll go to the court and they'lll figure it out. the judge will say the same thing, he/she will follow the law, constitution, amendments..... If something is broken, thats the judge job to fix it.

Move down to MA and tell us how that pans out for you. [laugh]

:( good thing im here drgrant. hehehe. feels like mass is the last place i wanna be in. after i finish college i'm moving back to alaska where i belong. plenty of shootin up there
not much of high crimes in maine comparing to most states. However statistically, crime rates has gone up quite a bit but the rate is still considered low comparing with other states.

The problem is, there are few neighbors around here that i know, they do drugs and i'm quite sure they do plentiful of other illegal activities. with that being said, my house was hit few times, assuming these crooks thought i had drugs or something really valuable and i dont.
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