Father cooperates with school's pre-crime effort against son

I freakin hate that guy. Never a nice guy in any movie he's been in. He was Sully in Commando. He was the d-bag in that one with Dennis Quaid in the early 80's - Dreamscape. I HATE that guy! LOL

DPK is the best movie a**h*** ever, though. [rofl]

Sully: "GIMME A QUARTER!!!!" [rofl]

He was sort of a conventional character here, at least...

Church of the Mandrel
Book of Screws
Spindle: 7
Shavings 11-14

I like where you are going with that.

In all honesty this is like in the 80's and 90s when people started saying at parties and in casual conversations "...well my therapist says..."

It became cool to have a therapist. A sign of wealth or status even .

Now it's gonna be "I had to get the police and a white coat couple or gender fluids to chat with my son to make him stop drawing pictures of unicorns with their eyes gouged out before he committed a school shooting to get attention on facyspace..."

Look how well being marginally involved in a school shooting has done for Hogg. We are seeing the "we could be next. Look at us" wave. Great. At least this means things have inflected .
No evidence, no threats, no proof, just a rumor, a wisper. No different when folks thought you a Witch, you were burned to death. When pressed the authorities stated it mainly had to do with these two things:


- fascination, obsession with guns, knives, etc.”

And nothing else.

God help us and God help America if these Liberal Communists ever gain total power.

Based on how they looked? Their "fascination" with guns?
I'm 6'4", 285lb, long hair, long (think not quite ZZ Top length) goattee, almost always wearing jeans, boots, and either a Pro-2a, anti stupid/snowflake, or Harley t-shirt. Always have at least one knife and gun on me, sometimes two. One could also say that based on my avatar I have demonstrated an unhealthy correlation between guns and religion. Maybe I should just SWAT myself and get it over with...
This is why ERPO laws are so dangerous. A mere rumor, feeling, or statement taken out of context will result in the stripping of 2A rights with zero due process.

And, that will just be the start. Regardless of the outcome of an ERPO dealie, you'll be tainted.

Funny that the original complaint originated in a school library - when my younger son was either a Junior or Senior in High School, he was in the school library. As he comes to the checkout desk, the librarian asked him a question about bringing a gun from Vermont to Mass. (which he gave the correct answer to). Teacher, standing behind him in line asks, "Why did you ask him that?"

"He teaches that stuff," responded the librarian (which is true) [laugh]

Any word, phrase, or action can be interpreted wrongly, and our friend Charlie Foxtrot can show up. Welcome to life. [rolleyes]
So a librarian overhears a student referring to an unknown and unnamed other student as "Shooter", and decides to submit complaints about an autistic student because he likes guns, and these vague complaints are enough to justify tearing apart a teenager's life, subjecting him to random searches, and ostracizing him from the other students (in addition to confiscating property from the family). Am I understanding this right?
Pretty much. Welcome to our dystopian version of the former Soviet Union.
Remember, the goal of the other side is to disarm all persons not acting on behalf of the government. Due process is irrelevant - every disarmed individual represents progress towards this goal.
Jesus Christ, I hope people learn a lesson from this: when confronted with a "Threat Assessment" on your kid by a school, lawyer up and sue the shit out of everyone.

At least the guy got his guns back in the end. I'm pretty sure here in MA the PD would've sent them straight to the theft house.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'd tell the police to f*** themselves with the warrant they don't have, but if someone were willing to express that level of concern I'd hear them out and act on it in some fashion, if I didn't I'd be no better than the Parkland Police Department and that's a bit hippocrytical.

But if you were any kind of parent at all wouldn't you know before someone told you? Or do you believe the school is also a parent?
Why are these guns not locked up in a secure safe where only people that have access can get to them? Unless I'm carrying or at the range mine are locked away with a security camera covering the safe. It's not rocket science, protect them from both external and internal abuse.

Although there are one or two safe queens that I sleep with now and again but I don't tell the others

Maybe because in free states (not sure if Oregon qualifies) it isn't required. Self defense guns are useless when locked up, and teenagers should have the capacity to not eff around with them. I've left unloaded (checked twice by both me and my wife) guns in the bathroom as a test for my kids - every time, EVERY TIME, one of my kids will tell me that I left my gun in the bathroom, and won't touch it until they've seen it cleared. This has been since they were 4. In fact, they come running to me to tell me I left a gun out when it is cased and trigger locked for hunting the next day, because they don't know about the trigger lock because they don't touch it.

Locking guns away is good for an external threat like fire or theft. Not a good substitute for training. If this state didn't require the stupid safe storage, I'd do like I did as a kid, keep my guns stacked in the corner so I could access them easily to clean while watching TV or just quick dry fire.
Schools Have Created a Generation of Permit Pattys and BBQ Beckys
These people are indicative of the infantilization of the American adult.

Schools, Tattletales, and the Permission-Based Mindset

What should we expect after putting people in an environment for the first two decades of their lives that rewards a no-questions-asked deference to authority and being a tattletale?

Schools Have Created a Generation of Permit Pattys and BBQ Beckys | Zak Slayback
Maybe because in free states (not sure if Oregon qualifies) it isn't required. Self defense guns are useless when locked up, and teenagers should have the capacity to not eff around with them. I've left unloaded (checked twice by both me and my wife) guns in the bathroom as a test for my kids - every time, EVERY TIME, one of my kids will tell me that I left my gun in the bathroom, and won't touch it until they've seen it cleared. This has been since they were 4. In fact, they come running to me to tell me I left a gun out when it is cased and trigger locked for hunting the next day, because they don't know about the trigger lock because they don't touch it.

Locking guns away is good for an external threat like fire or theft. Not a good substitute for training. If this state didn't require the stupid safe storage, I'd do like I did as a kid, keep my guns stacked in the corner so I could access them easily to clean while watching TV or just quick dry fire.

Oregon does not have safe storage laws. Seattle, however, is apparently trying to pass a city ordinance about it from what I saw.
To be fair, if the police or school expressed concern that my child might be a danger to others I'd remove my firearms from the house too- I wouldn't surrender them to the police, I'd give them to a friend, but still.

When I was going through a particularly nasty phase of child custody hearings I removed all of the firearms from my house. Gave them to a friend to store and had him give me a dated itemized receipt which went to my attorney. It was pretty funny when I stated under oath in court one day that "I have no firearms in my house". I had to follow that up with "I have no firearms on my property".

I wasn't concerned about my child accessing my firearms - it was more about my vindictive ex convincing the court that I had a temper and access to firearms. It was pretty funny watching her lawyer tie himself into knots trying to prove me a liar when I was telling the truth.

I had excellent counsel.
They will target this kid and other like him and completely miss anyone that is a real threat.

Doesn't that accurately sum up the FBI and the government, in general, over the past decade or so?
Happened at the Atlanta Olympics back in the 1990s. One bomb went off and then a 30 year old unarmed guard found a second bomb that failed to detonate and alerted authorities. He was suspected of planting both bombs. He lived with his mother and her home was raided. The guy's gun collection was hauled away. He was vilified in the press as a crazy loser. Untimately, the real criminal was caught. He was a white supremacist explosives expert who targeted abortion clinics. The security guard was a hero for sure. What a rush to judgment on the part of the cops and the media!
America's new motto....

Land of the free and home of the people who are afraid of their own shadow...

The problem is, and this is a classic case, that "crime prevention" if left unchecked will most certainly infringe on rights, freedoms and liberties.

Then again, volunteering anything without a warrant and attorney and you get what you ask for...that was EXTREMELY STUPID on the father's part.
We are witnessing the death of freedom. Allowing blatant violations of 4A and 5A.

Jefferson is spinning in his grave.

I hate to disagree, but IF this guy 'welcomed' the police into his house and voluntarily gave up his stuff, what 'violation' of anything happened? I get it's retarded in this case, but be real. I only skimmed the article, if I missed something, I'll be glad to change my opinion.
I hate to disagree, but IF this guy 'welcomed' the police into his house and voluntarily gave up his stuff, what 'violation' of anything happened? I get it's retarded in this case, but be real. I only skimmed the article, if I missed something, I'll be glad to change my opinion.
The father assumed the state knew his son better than he did, and he did not hesitate to sell his son down the river for what he figured must have been the greater good.
The father assumed the state knew his son better than he did, and he did not hesitate to sell his son down the river for what he figured must have been the greater good.

I don't disagree, but I replied to a 'this is 'Murica', this is a violation of the Constitution post. To which, I get it's retarded, but how can the police be held accountable when a person invites them into their house and turns in their guns.

I have no doubt no one wears pants in that house except maybe the kid.
I don't disagree, but I replied to a 'this is 'Murica', this is a violation of the Constitution post. To which, I get it's retarded, but how can the police be held accountable when a person invites them into their house and turns in their guns.

I have no doubt no one wears pants in that house except maybe the kid.
Kid needs a new father.

The police did what anyone would expect the police to do.
I hate to disagree, but IF this guy 'welcomed' the police into his house and voluntarily gave up his stuff, what 'violation' of anything happened? I get it's retarded in this case, but be real. I only skimmed the article, if I missed something, I'll be glad to change my opinion.
Somewhat agree. The COPS weren't the problem here, the school was and the dumbass father went along with it.

Part of this is the indoctrination that is happening in our society via Hollywood, TV, Media, Social Media, etc. where people are always more than willing to sacrifice their liberty for the promise of perceived securitah. Ultimately, its buying the false narrative that legal, responsible gun owners are the problem with respect to school shootings.

But the pre-crime crap that the school initiated is the problem here.
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