Fake News: CNN’s Jim Acosta Claims ‘1,552 Mass Shootings’ Since Sandy Hook

The problem we have here is the definition of the "mass shooting" we have a philosophical divide between what we want the definition to be, and what the definition became. Like the rest of you I don't believe a scuffle in Chicago that ends up in a gang fight over a pair of limited edition shoes because 3 people got injured with guns is a mass shooting akin to Sandy Hook, but when you blind yourself to just the numbers its a different story.

If one has to refer to a list to talk about "mass shootings", then it wasn't a mass shooting.


Sandy Hook


Texas Church Massacre

Rosemoor neighborhood, Chicago, 8/16

Four of those I recalled from memory. One I looked up. Can you pick out the one that nobody, but nobody (except involved individuals) will ever, in a million years, remember without referring to a list?
Lotta Breitbart articles posted here lately... Be careful, your bias is showing.

Last time I read a Brietbart article it was on that cluster f*** with that girl out of Children's hospital with mitochondrial disease or whatever. I work in research, and before my current job I worked pediatric research. The amount of misinformation in that article was astounding, it was the most poorly researched pulled out of an ass article I've ever read. If that's the quality of Brietbart, their reputation among the left is well deserved.
Problem is corrections, retractions, and countering articles never get the distribution the initial lie does and these dicks know it. They tell the lie to further the agenda and if called out they make minimal effort to own up.

But I am not telling you guys anything you did not already know — surely there are many of us here who remember where an editorial retraction got printed in newspapers (hint, it wasn’t page 1).

P.S.> I like the way the “featured” section is incorporated into the new site, thanks.
It's not even fair to call it Fake News. Fake News was originally click bait from Eastern European click farms, sensationally false topics typically about celebrities. CNN is a Political Propaganda machine with the mission to bend or fabricate the truth for Party gain.
Man if that map doesn't tell it all. Interesting to see where there is no red.

I'm shocked people still watch the news.
Did he also tell us that every mass shooter except one was a LIBERAL. The one conservative was committed to a mental hospital before the shooting.
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