Fake indian ma senator responds 10 months later

Jul 29, 2012
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DB50A38F-BCD8-43C9-B4B1-0E573CCD304B.jpeg 10 months ago I wrote this fake gun grabber , and she responds by saying NH and ME are responsible for crime guns in Ma.
What a douchebag.
I send her letters almost twice a month via GOA. I received a letter back from Lizzy and she did not mention once anything to do with the Second Amendment or the AWB. She went on about how the U.N. has shown that third world countries need food and medicine. Really .......

I am going to be so glad when I am out of this loony Commonwealth.
I send her letters almost twice a month via GOA. I received a letter back from Lizzy and she did not mention once anything to do with the Second Amendment or the AWB. She went on about how the U.N. has shown that third world countries need food and medicine. Really .......

I am going to be so glad when I am out of this loony Commonwealth.

There will be no escaping her when she is the president. /S

View attachment 308836 10 months ago I wrote this fake gun grabber , and she responds by saying NH and ME are responsible for crime guns in Ma.
What a douchebag.

She is a POS elitist demagogue. I pray for an electoral college landslide. The progressive Marxists that vote for these idiots never seem to understand that most Americans do not want to live under their central management.
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