Exploding Targets

I have. Several years ago while at my outdoor range another shooter was using some stick on ETs. Short story big flash,loud bang and small fire.Damn thing set the target stand and some brush on fire,not good.
I have Several years ago at my out door range another member was using some stick on ETs.short story big flash,loud and small fire. Damn thing set the target stand and some brush on fire.
Kinda funny watching him run down and try to put out the fire
which he did fortunatly.
I have Several years ago at my out door range another member was using some stick on ETs.short story big flash,loud and small fire. Damn thing set the target stand and some brush on fire.
Kinda funny watching him run down and try to put out the fire
which he did fortunatly.

Thats why they are not allowed at most ranges. The small stick on ones tend to smolder after exploding because of their chemical composition and their construction. Tannerite does not do that.
IMO anyone using exploding targets, tracers, or APIT rounds should
have a fire extinguisher handy. A decent sized ABC extinguisher is
cheap, and is likely cheap insurance as well. It also would have an
alternate use in your home or vehicle, so it's a multipurpouse

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