Ex cop killed in barrage of gun fire.


"It's more difficult to buy a cheesesteak than it is to buy a gun," Chitwood said. "This guy was ready for war. This was his last stand type of thing."

"I thought the shooting was a good shooting," Chitwood said."If Galla had access to this AR-15 and all that ammunition he could have cause significant damage. He wanted to die."

[thinking] [puke]
"It's more difficult to buy a cheesesteak than it is to buy a gun," Chitwood said.

So where is this locale . Might just want to make a few purchases. Asshats !
Is Chitwood the same Chief Chitwood formerly of Portland, ME? Guy was a total dick.

Guess its either the same giant douche or there multiple giant douches named Chitwood.
and then they bitch about not having ammo...

"It's more difficult to buy a cheesesteak than it is to buy a gun," Chitwood said.

I'm not going to bash the US marshals or the police over the shooting because I wasn't there. However, the comment by Chitwood that, "it's more difficult to buy a cheesesteak than it is a gun" has to rank up there with the most STUPID analogies that I have ever read!
I'm not going to bash the US marshals or the police over the shooting because I wasn't there. However, the comment by Chitwood that, "it's more difficult to buy a cheesesteak than it is a gun" has to rank up there with the most STUPID analogies that I have ever read!

Maybe he was referring to trying to buy a cheesesteak once Obamacare goes fully into effect?

Seriously though, what a tool. The perp was going to war with 120 rounds for his AR? No wonder why he's dead.
But why did Galla work for several police departments before this episode. He was not suitable to be a cop, but suitable to carry guns?

I kind of agree with Chitwood in that it easy to easy for bad cops to get guns. Perhaps they should be treated as regular citizens and the job be just a job and not a us against them lifestyle.
"It's more difficult to buy a cheesesteak than it is to buy a gun,"

Where's this? I want to move there
Galla broke into his former girlfriend's house, he fired seven shots at the new boyfriend, striking him once in the foot, fracturing multiple bones.

Was he carrying a new NY legal mag ????

Funny how a highly trained PO can score only one hit with 7 rounds, but NY says that's sufficient for an untrained civilian to protect himself with. [rolleyes]
Was he carrying a new NY legal mag ????

Funny how a highly trained PO can score only one hit with 7 rounds, but NY says that's sufficient for an untrained civilian to protect himself with. [rolleyes]
he was also probably not carrying hollowpoints, just in case he needed to visit NJ
52 shots... between 3 guys.

Not exactly a great idea if you're in a hotel....granted, I wasn't there but the story makes it sound like the cops didn't waste any time evacuating people and just went straight in for the kill.
"I thought the shooting was a good shooting because he had a GLOCK," Chitwood said."If Galla had access to this M&P and not his GLOCK and all that .40 ammunition he could have cause significant damage. He wanted to die."

"After Galla broke into his former girlfriend's house, he fired seven shots at the new boyfriend, striking him once in the foot, fracturing multiple bones. Galla then fled, and police issued a statewide alert notifying authorities that Galla, who was a former police officer and had military training,"

I think the military training needs some major overhaul. A Glock, an AR15, 7 shots, one hit in a foot? WTF?
Funny how this comes at a time when NY thinks ex-cops are holier than thou and deserve more gun rights than the rest of us.

Disband the police force and allow citizens to carry what they want.

To be honest, I don't have any problem with the round count. If there is reason to shoot someone once, there is reason to shoot them a hundred times.
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