Ever come across these guys at the range??!!

That, and they told me I can't go there as a guest anymore because I've already been there 3 times this year. You think they wouldn't mind the $10 every time...

Thats another problem with that range. The RO's are the biggest FUDDs on the North Shore. I've shot there around 4-5 times this year, and we've asked if they had the "3 times per year per guest rule (like Mass Rifle has)". they looked in the rule book and its not there. Every RO has a different set of rules. The place needs to have a total revamp of its senior leadership. its driving the club straight into the ground PR wise.
There's a guy at Chester Rod & Gun who is a little "off" to say the least. He's a hoverer and likes to pepper you with questions while you're shooting. I don't know about you guys but when I'm at the bench with my gun pointed downrange and the safety is off, I don't feel like chatting.

Also, one time I had stepped away from my bench and he picked up my .357. When I asked him what the hell he was doing he said he wanted to see how the grips felt. Jesus.

To me, that's a big no-no. Look but don't touch.
Last year, I was sighting in the new NES build at the 50 yard range and these two older guys came over and introduced themselves to me. I was cordial and went back to sighting in the rifle. The one guy says to the other, "He's using those Appleseed targets!" They didn't come back.

I usually introduce myself to the others at the range, if it's not too crowded. And then, I just go about my business after correcting everyone else's problems shooting...[smile]
Same here. Since joining SRGC I've had two people at the range the same time as me. Both came, made sure their guns fired, and left; neither stayed more than 5 minutes or so.
I've never had any problems. As a matter of fact, every time I go to the range, I always have friendly people offering me to shoot their bad ass guns.

I try to do this as often as I can. The way I see it- I know I'm not a good shot. I practice, but I'd like to think that someone out there would do my firearms more justice. That and I like to share the joy.

I haven't been critiqued yet by anyone. I guess I'm such a hopeless case that no one feels like they could ever do me any good.

If any of you guys reading this thread sees a dumb looking guy at braintree shooting commie trash rifles, make sure to tell him how much he sucks at shooting [wink] what a freaking poser.
At "my" range I'd be lucky to see someone else in the course of a month let alone have a full conversation... I love my range (And no im not telling where it is[wink])

Likewise...Not that I am un-friendly, but I enjoy shooting alone most of the time, I consider it my down time..and enjoy the non talking environment and like to just concentrate on what I am doing. I am not at a range to entertain, I am there to relax if you will.

Preferably in peace.
I welcome a few pointers and some friendly advice, we can all learn a little bit from someone else's point of view, but it does occationally get out of hand, and not just with shooting.

Once, I've been to a range and knew I had an expert present. I asked him for pointers, asking several times if I was bothering him and should go. He was extremely helpful and very generous with his time and advice.

When we got to the range, there was a sign up on the shooting benches and a guy sitting at a bench with a field scope and a radio. While we were walking to the range, we heard a rifle report, but the only guy on the bench didn't have a gun.

The sign read "Sniper in the field, no firing please" We sat at the line for a few minutes while the sniper and spotter took a few more shots, the the spotter told the sniper, "There are some others shooters here, time for a break" and the guy stands up in full gaille and walks back to the shooting benches.

USMC Scout Sniper visiting his spotter's family in the area while on leave and they decided to take the day and get some practice in. Was a great day at the range with some great company. I was more worried that we were bothering them than them bothering us.
What range was that?

Worcester (I believe, was a neighboring town if not Worcester) was 2-3 years ago. College friend was still living in Worcester. He would drive up to NH, meet me, take "posession" of my firearms (I'd give him the keys to all of the locked guncases and he'd ride in my car), then we'd drive down to the club he was a member of and shoot.
I've read every post in this thread and I think "Put a do not disturb sign on your range bag" is my favorite response. I think I'll actually buy one of those to put on my bag.

Usually folks at my local range keep to themselves. I also prefer to shoot alone, without distraction. There are a few of those older guys who will walk up to anyone and let them know what they're doing wrong. For the most part I just humor them, then go back to doing exactly what I was doing before. One old crab in particular has come up to me more than a few times and the last time I saw him approaching me from the corner of my eye, I turned, put my hand up and said "All set sir but thanks for your concern!" as loud as I could. He gave me a funny look and went back to minding is own business.
Had a guy offer me a few tips once. Then he offered to let me shoot one of his. Best day in my shooting education. I had bought a cheap gun with a heavy trigger and shot pretty well but couldn't stay consistent. Then I shot his 1911 and hit a good group. He shot my little crap piece of polymer and had almost as much trouble as me. Showed me right then that a quality firearm is worth the money when you start hitting your target consistently.
At "my" range I'd be lucky to see someone else in the course of a month let alone have a full conversation... I love my range (And no im not telling where it is[wink])

i can count on one hand the times that there are more than 2 or 3 shooters on the range at one time where i go.
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