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racists! why does it have to black?


It took me maybe two or three posts to realize the benefit here. after 650 posts and several years of being a user of this forum I think Derek should hit you up for retro-pay!!

Honestly, you make some sales on this forum, obviously find it interesting enough to post, yet you COMPLAIN when you cant modify an AVATAR? go green, then, MAYBE then, we will give a damn about you not wanting to represent Underdog anymore.
I hear Danger Mouse is available if you want to make the change!

Good luck to you, but seriously just support the cause and reap the benefits.
MikeD = a Piker

pik·er   /ˈpaɪkər/ Show Spelled[pahy-ker] Show IPA
–noun Informal .
1. a person who does anything in a contemptibly small or cheap way.
2. a stingy, tight-fisted person; tightwad.
3. a person who gambles, speculates, etc., in a small, cautious way.
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