Eddie Eagle video

Jun 5, 2010
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Heh...just watched this video on YouTube:

I guess reading the board here has opened my eyes and made me cynical about the MA gun laws.

I love the part where Eddie sees the kids in the attic about to pickup a rifle and tells the kids to tell an adult they trust about it. So, Eddie is relaying this story to "The Chief".

Am I wrong in thinking that if "The Chief" were in MA, he'd ask Eddie for the address so he could go arrest grandma for improper storage of the gun as well as child endangerment? :)

Sorry, but I couldn't help it.
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I thought you meant Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards:

He's my second favorite Olympian of all time.
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Well if grandma was a repeat offender with a rap sheet a mile long, the DA would plea deal her down to nothing and return the gun to her detailed. If it were you or me the DA would throw the book at us.
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